Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Herbert Spencer (Olivia Harrington)

I have said it once, and I will say it again, society is the progression small, alike groups, emerging into large and more complex groups. This is how I recognized society. Some people may not have believed me, but I was confident that this was a good perception. My theory of society was proven true during the Industrial Revolution. With a thriving industry, I believe that the Industrial Revolution had a positive impact on all citizens within Britain. While the industry was growing and increasing, there were specialized professions that were incorporated within it. In search of an occupation, citizens moved and upgraded from small farmlands and towns, to industrial areas. This transfer led to the emerge of immense cities. Industrial areas were usually cities, but these areas were also always near a body of water. The Industrial Revolution also had a positive impact on the medicines and methods of hygiene throughout the society. Through these inventions, our economy has become stronger. More medicines and better hygiene also lead to longer lives. All of these things have made life a lot easier and even made people more successful, so I believe that the European Industrial Revolution had a positive impact on it's citizens.

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy Bentham (Chris Wright)

    Made life easier? working over 12 hours a day in a over populated factory full of disease isn't easy. People suffered in these factories. People didn't upgrade to cities, they were stripped of their land and forced to moved into the city. It may have helped the entrepreneurs but all the people running the factories suffered and made little money to provide for their family.
