I understand that it is in human nature to be competitive and to always want more. However, I always love to imagine a world where it wasn't like that. This place is a world where friends do things for you simply because they love you, and want to see your life improve. Have any of you ever done that? I don't know if I have ever done something for someone else without expecting something in return. I would love to see this place. Here, in my world, there are no cheating politicians, no mortgages or bills to be paid, no one is trying to be better than others, and you simply have no one to compete with. All of us have different abilities, but we respect that about each other, and offer our goods and services to others free of charge. I know this is impossible. However, just imagine it for one second, before you try and completely shut it down. It sounds ok doesn't it? No one wants to be better than you, and we all care for each other. We care for each other because we all share one connection- we are all human beings.
If you feel that it would be great but recognize that it is an utter impossibility, why even think about it? People dream on things that they have the smallest chance in accomplishing, and that minuscule chance gives hope. But without that chance it is worthless to think on impossible things. Why would someone dream of reversing the galaxies expansion? Exactly my point; they don't. I doing so it is a waste of time and creates weakness that those other humans can pick on. They do this because it makes them not as weak as they see themselves. There are two ways to go up in life: go up or bring others down below you. This is by far an easier option. The only way to surpass this to your weakness. (and for the sake of argument) The only way to do this is deny your emotion. Become that wall of stone, or that suit of armor. It makes you impregnable from the crutch of humanity; emotion, the source of weakness.
ReplyDeleteDo you really believe that being among all of the others makes you feel better than being the best?! It is in our nature to become the best of the best, and with this creates effort. There is no such thing as society without people having differences in the way we act, think, or develop ideas. This only leads towards conflict, compromise, and having to pick and choose. Within this process, are always the people who want to win their argument, and what is a better feeling than winning? Being a nation who has won, reflects back on us as a positive outlook. If we gain others resources and labor that is only in their fault for not being strong enough to resist. Why not use our power rather then distribute it?