Friday, October 25, 2013

King George the Third (Kyle Riggs)

What is with all of these revolutions recently? I swear every time I blink some country is at war with itself. At least this one isn't in Europe, right next to us, like the rest of them seem to always be. I understand that the people are trying to make their lives better, but revolution is not the way to do this. This adds pointless violence and thousands of deaths. Revolutions sound noble, and to the common person they may be, but they always turn political. The slaves did what they wanted to, they stopped slavery in Haiti. What happened after that was the problem. Haiti is a mess and it has been for years now. They have such a horrible economy and the government debt is crazy compared to the small amount of income it gains. What Haiti needs is a strong king such as myself, but alas I have a better country to rule here in Europe.


  1. Clemens von Metternich (Kenny Shanos)
    King George the Third, you make absolutely perfect sense. We are on the same page together in what the Haitian revolution should have accomplished. It was okay that the slaves in Haiti rebelled because they were being treated unfairly. Also, I believe that it was okay that Haiti declared independence so they could be able to rule themselves. But, when the Republic was created, I said to myself, "This is never going to work out. This is a terrible idea." A republic creates much chaos and disruption because there is not just one person making the rule. Many people fight about what is right and what is wrong. Then, eventually, nothing good gets accomplished and order and security are not protected as they are with a monarch. I think you would have been a great monarch to control Haiti, but sadly Haiti had to go and make a republic.

  2. John Locke (Yash Gokhale)
    I must disagree with you, King George the Third, for the last thing the Haitians need is a King like you. The Haitians need a democracy run by the people and for the benefit of the people. They do not need a King who will think only of himself when spending thousands of taxpayer dollars to impress his lady friend. The Haitians need a government that will take tax money and give it back to the people in the form of progress. Dear King, with a monarchy none of this is possible and so you see, a king like you is the last thing the Haitians need right now.

  3. Pope Pius VI (Julian Wu)

    Great minds think alike, King George the Third! This revolution only adds misery to the people of Haiti! Stop these horrible revolutions and let's pray for the way it was before all these revolutions.
