Monday, October 14, 2013

Order, Security, and Efficiency/Montesquieu (Brian Gemma)

Why would anyone ever take liberty, equality and fraternity over order, security, and efficiency? Order, security, and efficiency is what really matters. I have always believed that. I believe in a government built with three branches, the legislative branch, executive branch, and the judicial branch. That is the most efficient type of government there is. There is no better way to have the government run. I also believe in checks and balances to make sure that everything is going smoothly. Now that's what we call order. If there is no order and efficiency  then how is there ever going to be liberty and equality? Liberty and equality is based on order. The government provides liberty and equality so if nothing is running smooth in the government how are the people going to get equality? It just does not make sense. How could anyone ever choose liberty and equality over order and efficiency? Three branches of government make the government efficient. If the government is efficient, the people get their liberty. There is a simple answer to this question. Order, security, and efficiency is more important than liberty, equality, and fraternity. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your ways of thinking Montesquieu. How would anyone actually think for one second after what has happened in France's past that equality might one day be a reality. It is impossible without order and especially strict order and efficiency. A non-efficient government will never thrive and nor will the poor status in which the country is in! So to reinforce, I 100% agree that Order, Security, and Efficiency should be the motto of any successful government and country.
