Friday, October 25, 2013

Louis 16th

Revolution is probably my least favorite word.  It creates a period of time that is hectic and difficult to deal with no matter who you are.  If I were the one in charge in Haiti I would get the first boat off that island because pleasing everybody is impossible.  I know that ruling Europe is tough but Haiti is another story with the slaves wanting freedom and independence.  Revolution has become like a domino effect.  The word spreads and the next thing you know people are complaining about how bad they have it instead of the country as a whole.  I personally believe that revolutions such as in Haiti can be striding you in the opposite direction such as executions or mass death.  It is a very popular thing going on and if it is not stopped nobody will ever be satisfied.


  1. I completely disagree with you my Lord Louis 16th. I believe revolution is the only way to accomplish an overthrow of a government that is greedy and doesn't care about its people. I understand that you, being the unaware leader that you were had no idea of the current status of the French people! They want you out and the only way is through Revolution. People must die for the overall cause and they know they are dying for what they always wanted. They died for their cause and for the benefit of those who will live to see it become a reality.

  2. I'm sorry sir. Yet, you have seriously forced yourself to believe improper ways of life, Louis XVI. Would so many people actually participate in revolutionary action if it was rendering useless upon the revolutionaries? You sit on your thrown with a fake grin, knowing in your heart you are just a horrible tyrannic monarch whom produces nothing good except for what you do for yourself!
