Thursday, October 24, 2013

Louis XVI (Chris Wright)

Revolution? Don't get me started. I hate the idea of revolutions. They only bring death and chaos. In all revolutions, the people fighting for their freedom die and the people fighting against the rebels die. Their deaths are unnecessary and after the fighting the people are physically, mentally, and economically hurt.Like the Haitian Revolution, the French Revolution outcome seemed good but in the long run it didn't work as well.The French ending up with a king after they rebelled. For Haitians, they may have gained their freedom but they were economically damaged after their revolution. At first all revolutions seem like they lead to new freedoms and breakthroughs for the people rebelling until afterward when the result doesn't go as well as planned. The only thing I am happy about was in this revolution Napoleon III was defeated. His uncle was the successor of my rule and Napolean III deserved to be defeated just like his uncle in Russia. Besides that all revolutions are pointless, a mistake, and have no good outcome. They never truly achieve the goals they are suppose to.


  1. (Robespierre)
    Revolutions never truly achieve their goals? Have you not seen the American Revolution? The colonies- no, the states- are no longer under George III and are much better off than before. I agree, unfortunately, that the French Revolution didn't change much overall, but not all revolts are the same; they depend on so many factors. My good sir, if you are going to generalize about revolutions, I would advise you to find more evidence to back up your theories. (I do realize that we each have a bias, but since our ideas are at opposite ends of the spectrum, I believe that they rather cancel out.)

  2. Louis XVIII (Brian Gemma)
    How do revolutions only bring death and chaos? Where have you been your whole life, locked in a basement? We are talking about the Haitian revolution. There was not just death and chaos. Haiti achieved what they wanted to. They got their independence, and there are no longer slaves. They are finally free from the rule of another country. Haiti gets to do whatever they decide on doing. Slaves are no longer slaves. They are free. They may not be perfectly equal yet, but that will come. You must choose your words much more carefully. Revolutions only bring death and chaos, ha! You must be kidding. Revolutions can be an important thing. Sometimes they work, and other times, they don't. That's how most things go. If it works, then there is always a purpose to a revolution.

  3. Revolutions may take lives, but they are worth it in the end. The slaves were oppressed by their "social superiors" before the revolution, and after, they had won their freedom. What is life if one does not live free? A few deaths will ensure the happiness of an entire group of people. These deaths bring about a better and more equal society. The results of the revolution were independence for the colony and later on, a republic. Revolutions are just major steps in the path to a better society. They are certainly not pointless, and the economy will recover eventually. Slaves cannot be denied their freedom forever. A revolution was inevitable.

  4. (Jose de San Martin)
    Why isn't that wonderful. How is nobility working for you? Is the monarchy at peace? Let us see. If revolutions never achieved their goals, then why have I successfully led 3 countries to victory in their revolutions, and successfully carried out their plan?!
