These are dark days. Depression, the Great War's curse on its survivors, is everywhere. Families for miles around have gone hungry and poor, their supplies eaten up by the war and its aftermath. Not one member of my family has been fully fed since Il Duce's soldiers 'requisitioned' half of our crops, the half that was supposed to see us through the winter.
Extremism? Yes, that attitude has been a trouble, though it hasn't affected us directly yet, aside from the increased numbers of troops passing through. I did notice the refugees fleeing Russia and the North; how could I miss the hungry faces begging for aid? At least those we fed helped us on the farm in return before they left–no country's money has been trustworthy, lately.
I believe all of this–the growth of extremism–is caused by desperation. Government leaders have to reassure the public that all will be well, that the war did not ruin them, so they pin the country's troubles on a scapegoat. In order to get rid of the problem, the government encourages the scapegoat's eradication. It doesn't even matter who is blamed, as long it is not the government. I hate this 'solution', but I can only be grateful that my family will never be targeted. After all, we peasants supply the country with its food. Even the most inept leader would know that attacking his own farmers only harms his cause.
I don't know what I can do about it. I can't risk my family's lives by standing up to make a difference; Il Duce certainly discourages that sort of behavior. Right now, human rights are a lost cause here. All we who are helpless can hope to do is hunker down until this all blows over. Dark days indeed.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Stalin (Elise Warren)
Free speech, free thought, the right to practice one's own religion, the right to an education, the right to adequate food and housing- do these really make man any happier? Freedom may liberate, but it will never secure. In order for a society to be successful economically, politically, and culturally, there needs to be order. What better way to implement order and control in a government than complete dictatorship! This is extremism, and this method should be carried on throughout the generations. This method creates security to those who support it, and guarantees them safety and support by their leaders. Man should not have to live in fear of his life that freedom creates by giving too much control to the people. The common people do not know what to do with so much freedom, and need this form of government to soothe them in all their worries! Men and women have the right to food and housing, the right to practice religion and educate themselves, in other forms of government, but do not necessarily obtain these privileges due to their lack of instruction on what to do with it. So, one must ask himself, what is the point of having these rights if they're only weakening the people and their country? Is it not more important to be powerful and secure than weak and free? Does man understand that growing extremism will lead him a better life, as long as he follows the reasonable rules? I guess the men that understand and support this method of thinking will survive and thrive, while those who don't will just have to learn...
Charles De Gaulle (Meran Topalian)
- When we look at the country of France as a whole we tend to look think of ourselves as a country of one who gives and understands. When creating the Treaty of Versailles we became the opposite.. The complete opposite. Perhaps it was our fault that the Germans became so greedy. Our greed could have ultimately led to their own after all the Treaty of Versailles was ultimately made to make sure that there was complete order/security in France. Our greed was completely almost oblivious to us at the time. We didn't realize how greedy we were being when this treaty was made. The problem now is/are the forces that are coming onto our lands. We can't let them in and take over. There shall be no terrorization of any sort on our lands. We shall stick up for ourselves now and not worry about anything else. Hitler, just the right person for the job, for a now new greedy country such as Germany.. The extremists are powerful but not powerful enough to stomp over us. THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN!
George Marshall (Kyle Riggs)
We must prepare! This growing extremism in Western Europe and Russia must be stopped. It is getting completely out of hand! War may be soon upon us! I apologize for that outburst but I am under immense stress right now with the protection of America falling partially to me. Please allow me to explain my reasons for worry. Much of Western Europe has fallen under the control of extremely powerful leaders who can do whatever they want with little reparations for it. These leaders are seen as almost God-like by there people and as such have nearly limitless power at their hands. I have seen what that power has done to others and I can foresee conflict in the near future. We must prepare ourselves for war. We are undermanned and underarmed. This growing extremism across the Atlantic will reach a breaking point, and when it does we will be ready. I will see to that.
American Woman Factory Worker (Katharine Yan)
Throughout Western Europe and Russia, extremism is becoming more and more popular. It has grown out of utter despair and hopelessness, due to the economic depression that has weakened several of these countries. Unemployment rates are skyrocketing, overproduction has diminished the demand of goods, and people everywhere are no longer able to support themselves. With the U.S. economy in this terrible condition, more people are beginning to question the effectiveness of democracy. Is it truly the best way to solve the problems of today, or is there an alternative that will lift us from this Great Depression? My fellow factory workers and I are fearful of losing our jobs, the only way in which we are able to support our families. Already, factories are reducing production to meet the lack of demand, and countless have been left unemployed. Some factories are even being shut down completely. I don't know what I will do if that happens, but this state of uncertainty, this lack of trust in my government is driving me to consider other options. Even the most radical ideas must be better than the way the government is handling this problem! Extremism can't be that bad if it will end this depression somehow. I feel that democracy has not done enough for the starving people all across the country, and that we must embrace the ideals of change associated with extremism.
Eleanor Roosevelt (Chris Wright)
As the wife of the president of the United States I've dealt a lot about this problem of extremism spreading throughout Western Europe. Adolf Hitler Even though my husband may stay neutral on the matter I believe this is wrong! Adolf Hitler and his extremist ideas are turning Germany against the jews. If we let the Hitler get away with this he may start to spread to other countries and suppress other races and religions. At this point the US won't be strong enough to act out against them. I believe my husband is making a huge mistake staying neutral and I'm against him. My husband believes we need to focus on other problems like the Japanese invading China. How isn't this as big of a problem as the invasion on China, this is a problem where people are being planned on killed for their religion. I believe we need to act so this won't continue to affect the jews in Western Europe.
Winston Churchill (Yash Gokhale)
The lunatics are coming to power. Both Western Europe and Russia are experiencing the horrors of having a psychopath as a leader. The rise of extremism is creating fear among the people of Europe and Russia, and it must be stopped. Leaders such as Hitler and Stalin are terrorizing their citizens through the use of mass purges and secret police. Such leaders are power hungry, and by using fear, they will be able to control their populations to do whatever they desire. These Leaders are threats to all those around them, yet they are still allowed to come to power. You might ask yourself, why is this? These monsters are allowed to come to power because in times of uncertainty, people will trade their freedoms for stability. And so, to stop this rise of extremism we must create stability. To do this, the allies must stop demanding reparations from Germany. They have paid enough for their crimes, and by ending the demand for reparations, Germany's economy will stabilize and its people will no longer need Hitler. By bringing stability to Western Europe and Russia the extremist will be driven away by the very people who put them into power.
Parisian Business Owner (Ben Acker)
Oh là là! Mais mon cheri! Ces dirigeants nouveaux sont les monstres! Les assassins! Et mon poches son vides! This depression will be the death of me! I'm losing everything, and all because of the things the world must do to ruin an honest business man as myself. It was just two days ago that I had customers galore brimming my shop, swarming to receive the blessings of which that is my bakery. But that's not all! The extremists are reviving in our neighbor's lands, laying corruption far and wide. We should have finished the job when we had the chance! Our armies were at their gates, and we let them go on. Our leaders failed to impose the consequences of war upon them, and now they are upon us once again! Won't we be next? Harbored into camps, enslaved until our release into death? Their peoples are misled, desperate, manipulated by loss and twisted by need; now, these horrible leaders have risen, with their erratic thinking and mass killings simply to gain power. These dictators must be stopped, for the sake of our families, our homes, our businesses, and our lives! VIVE LA FRANCE, ET VIVE LE MONDE!
Neville Chamberlain (Rachel Latham)
As the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, I believe that extremism is rapidly spreading throughout Europe. After World War One, much of Europe, specifically Germany and Russia, were suffering, allowing extremist leaders to rise after promising citizens a better, prosperous life. These extremists, like Adolf Hitler, are power hungry, and focused on making his country as strong as possible, which poses a threat to all nations in Europe and beyond. Having negotiated with Adolf Hitler, I know that he will never be satisfied until he takes over all of the lands of Europe and strengthens his "master race". In 1937, I began negotiations with Germany to begin to restore some of its colonies in order to curb their thirst for land and power. However, this was not enough for them. These extremist feelings must be eliminated from the masses in Europe is we want to maintain a peaceful Europe. We must be mature and work through diplomacy to avoid a war fueled by extremist feelings.
Franklin D. Roosevelt (Brian Gemma)
The rise of growing extremism in much of Western Europe and Russia is a difficult situation that should be approached very carefully. I believe that the main reason for the growing extremism is Adolf Hitler. He rules over his people with large confidence and he uses an authoritarian regime. Adolf Hitler seems to be the clear choice as to who is behind this. As President of the United States, I must be extremely careful when approaching my decision and this topic. I believe that we should not involve ourselves with extremism and we should not lean towards either side. We do not want to get this extremist idea into the mind of our people. Also, we are involved in many other important tasks and we do not need to add another task onto our plate. This does not appear to be the most important task right now. Now, we must focus on the Japanese invasion of China. This is more important to the United States right now. We must support the allies.
Mussolini (Andres Naranjo)
I am Mussolini! I am the greatest, the most powerful, the best of all rulers ever to appear on this Earth of ours. Extremism is the only and best way to rule a country that has been broken, an that is how I have been ruling Italia since I took leadership of it. I believe that Extremism, is catching up to the rest of Europe finally, and as the founding father of it, I am flattered… Russia is a great powerful nation, and the fact that they want to start using extremist ideology makes me very proud. Nations like France, Germany and Russia should already have an extreme nationalist government because it allows the nation to stick together and fortify its people as one. Russia should keep doing what their doing and inspire other European nations to follow my ideology and become extreme nationalists… VIVA ITALIA!!!
Joseph Stalin (Zack Johnson)
A little boy crouches under a table. He has his arms wrapped around his head, as tight as can be. His eyes are clenched shut, occasionally betraying his valor with tears. His stomach curves inward, a bi-product of terrible hunger. His clothes are scattered with holes and caked in dirt. Yet he is free. Above him bombs rain down from the sky, gleefully destroying lives with every passing minute. The resistance is pitiful; all of the leaders are squabbling in safety, disregarding safety for their own political agendas. A bomb hits the roof of the boy’s home. The boy dies. Yet he dies free. Some may claim that this freedom supersedes all his suffering; that he is a happier individual when free. This is the embodiment of ignorance. Does this freedom make the boy any less hungry? Any less dirty? Any less dead? No. Thus, freedom is the enemy. Freedom is the conveyor of this boy and many other individual’s suffering. Now, some people cry foul to the rise of “extremism.” Frankly, I object. The current regimes are not a result of madness or bloodlust. They are the natural reaction to suffering and a desire to end this suffering. Our methods are not “extreme.” They create order. This order prevents suffering in a way that freedom could never do. This order creates happiness. Any so-called “extreme” measures are simply taken to preserve this happiness. Thus, nothing should be done to change the path our land has taken. The weak should be eliminated. Dissent should be crushed. For when there is no weakness or dissent, what is left? A world of strong, like-minded individuals without the poisonous influence of freedom. I feel that that is a world worth fighting for.
Franklin D. Roosevelt (Alyssa Kanis)
As President of my beloved United States, I have been generally viewing the ideology of this profoundly new political sense of Extremism. As it is rapidly spreading and materializing in much of Western Europe and Russia, I have came to the conclusion that it has been so quickly due to the seemingly victorious Adolf Hitler as he rules with a more authoritarian regime over his so called people. As I tend towards my own people, I have made the decision to stay officially neutral as this Extremist sense may loom over us during war, due to the fact that we have been inducting ourselves in many other efforts throughout this time period. There is no possible way myself , any other leader, nor any other group of intellectuals may attempt to even halt the growth of the ideas of extremism as the stakes are too high. With the Japanese invasion of China and the aggression of Nazi Germany, providing financial support to China and Great Britain is my main focus as of now. In addition, my mail goal is too supply munitions to the allies, as well as implementing our own war strategy rather than worrying about the topic of Extremism at his point.
Hideki Tojo (Olivia Harrington)
Extremism is an important idea during this time. It is basically extreme nationalism, or having extreme of pride in your country. Extremism is a very influential way to rule and will persuade people to follow certain beliefs. Rising in Western Europe and Russia, I feel that extremism is a good thing and has a positive effect on our world today and for the future. In Japan, this is how I rule, and I believe that it is where my success comes from. Extremism helps countries to gain control or power of what they need to, which brings them the success that they desire. It involves doing what is best for the country's success to reach this success. An effective way of coming back from WWI could be using extremist ideas. Extremism, I believe, will benefit a country greatly. After WWI, some people had no hope in coming back from everything that the country had lost during the war because of the powerful and persuasive leaders taking control and power. Because of this, I believe that extremism is very successful and influential, and nothing should be done about it. I believe it should be used in every country around the world because of its promising success.
Adolf Hitler (Sarah Schumacher)
Growing extremism across Europe is a sight I have been awaiting since my youth days back in Austria. I believe that extremism, when mixed with nationalism is the greatest concoction known to man. For when one uses these tactics, he becomes the most powerful creature alive. Take myself for example. Am I not one of the most powerful rulers to have ever inhabited the Earth? Not meaning to brag but facts are simple facts. I have spread my ideas about the Aryan race and how they are simply to superior to other races such as Jews. For we are just simply better, and better looking.
Now to answer the second part of your question. What should be done about this growing extremism? We should add more fuel to the fire, clearly! Let us Aryans collaborate and eradicate all the inferior races. It is for the good of Germany and our brothers! Without a clearly known leader who practices extremism, that country is simply nothing worth remembering. That country simply becomes just like Joseph Stalin, am I right? That country becomes the lesser man next to Adolf Hitler.
I have been enforcing these beliefs of mine with the help of my Gestapo and all of my fellow-faithful politicians. However, the greatest enforcement of all is never backing down from what you believe is right. Don't let what other people think stop you from doing the things you love. Now some of you may think the fact that I just quoted myself is silly, but I will not let what you think of me stop me from using my awesome quotes in my own blogpost. I am Adolf Hitler and I do what I want when I want. And what I want is to have extremism be the reason I am remembered. I don't want to be the forgotten and lesser man. I don't want to be the Joseph Stalin of the textbook, for I am Adolf Hitler.
Auf Wiedersehen,
Adolf Hitler
Head of the German Nazi Party
Really Confident Man
Hater of Jewish People
Now to answer the second part of your question. What should be done about this growing extremism? We should add more fuel to the fire, clearly! Let us Aryans collaborate and eradicate all the inferior races. It is for the good of Germany and our brothers! Without a clearly known leader who practices extremism, that country is simply nothing worth remembering. That country simply becomes just like Joseph Stalin, am I right? That country becomes the lesser man next to Adolf Hitler.
I have been enforcing these beliefs of mine with the help of my Gestapo and all of my fellow-faithful politicians. However, the greatest enforcement of all is never backing down from what you believe is right. Don't let what other people think stop you from doing the things you love. Now some of you may think the fact that I just quoted myself is silly, but I will not let what you think of me stop me from using my awesome quotes in my own blogpost. I am Adolf Hitler and I do what I want when I want. And what I want is to have extremism be the reason I am remembered. I don't want to be the forgotten and lesser man. I don't want to be the Joseph Stalin of the textbook, for I am Adolf Hitler.
Auf Wiedersehen,
Adolf Hitler
Head of the German Nazi Party
Really Confident Man
Hater of Jewish People
Jewish Refugee (Michael Kowalski)
Extremism.... the reason countless numbers of my people died. You ask why I think that it happened and what I believe should be done about it. To this question there is only one answer; God. God is why we suffered, through numerous days of labor, pain, and death. How else would the atrocities that happen have occurred in this semi-modern era. How could humanity allow women and children to be gassed with impunity. How could man permit hundreds of thousands of Jews be slain at the hands of the barbaric Nazis in cruel and inhumane methods! There is only one answer to this... God. God has been displeased with our people, for our sins and disloyalty to Him. There is only one hope that we have... repentance... Life as we know it shall forever been stained by with blood of God's people. As for what we can do, there is nothing. Nothing can halt God's wrath. His will shall only been done when we have been scared and maimed for generations with the terror that he inflicted. God... Creator and Destroyer...
Charles De Gaulle (Ryan Teng)
Perhaps we were foolish for pretending like this would never happen. Those damn Germans...they were always the kind that would follow an insane ruler, such as Hitler. Perhaps it is as the English say, and the rise of the Extremists was our fault. Perhaps we should not have been so greedy when creating the Treaty of Versailles, however it was all done in order to ensure the security and the order of France. We wanted nothing more. That is, at least, my viewpoint on it all. But enough with these guesses of mistakes. Enough with the pointing of fingers. The time is now, and the fight is slowly coming to our doorstep, and we must stop the advancing forces upon our lands. I believe it is our duty, no it is our purpose to go and crush the oncoming extremists with our own hands. THE TIME FOR QUESTIONS OF BLAME IS NOT FOR NOW. NOW IS THE TIME FOR WAR. And I'll say, France will come out on top of it all.
Erik Carlson (Winston Churchill)
I, Winston Churchill, believe that Hitler is the new evil that walks upon the Earth. He is the reason why extremism is on the rise. He is the new threat to democracy and his ideals will plunge Europe into another war. We can not idle as Hitler destroys democracy in Europe. It is time to act and support France in their war against the pigs that call themselves Nazis. Weapons and ammo are not enough. Germany's new military is stronger than the french. The Maginot line has been breached and men are pouring into France. Troops are the best course of action and should be sent immediately to slow the advance of the Nazis. It is time to stop the brutish Hitler and his extremist ideals.
Neville Chamberlain (Julian Wu)
Being the prime minister of the United Kingdom, I have had a taste of the growing extremism in Western Europe and Russia. Let me tell you... it has been rough. I started my life off as a politician. As time progressed, I obtained the chance to negotiate with the one and only, Adolf Hitler. Firstly, extremism is defined as a sense of extreme nationalism. Hitler believed in this... and I do not. Germany is growing stronger and stronger. They have become extremists, and that will ruin the peace between our countries. War should be avoided at all costs! Every country must realize that sacrifices must be made to promote peace. That is why Hitler, Mussolini, Daladier, and I signed the Munich Agreement. This gave Germany the occupation of the Sudetenland. Although making Germany stronger is very risky, it is better than full-out war. Extremism must be controlled because if it gets out of hand, everyone will pay the price. I had to sign peace treaties in order to avoid a war. Now listen to me: Extremism is a very delicate matter. You must truly understand the consequences before negotiating with an extremist country.
Adam Duvall(Young Austrian Women)
Extremism was on the rise in western europe and russia which is also referred as intense nationalism. I do not need a dictator controlling everything I do especially because I am a women. Our rights our always less than men and it can only get worse with nationalism. Hitler's secret army is a force that will get away with everything with this new way of rule because all they want is for us to become perfect human beings and nothing less. Any sign of disobedience will result in extreme punishment obviously enough. What if I see an action so unreasonable where I have to take a stand, does it make me weak? To be honest how can we always tell whats right and wrong when you have extreme dictators barking out personal opinions. Now the other thing that could result from this is communism back in the picture. That and extremism is a recipe for disaster and there is no room for it in Europe. Us women will be discriminated unfairly even more than we are in the first place.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
(Max Moss) Dwight Eisenhower
Extremism is rapidly spreading and materializing in much of Western Europe and Russia. This Extremism can be more specifically defined as is a very passionate nationalism. Although this is what the people may have actually wanted at the time, sometimes, the people don't always know what is best for them. With this rapid spread of something as simple as nationalism to a large extent it would act almost as if a gateway to many harmful ideas. For example, with this rise of nationalism I believe that communism is on the way afterwards. If Communism materializes then many of these European nations are doomed. There is also a downside to extremism as it gives way too much power to one person and we as a country need to reach out and prevent the spreading of this extremism. As a president of the United State a democracy, I cannot lt the spreading of communism occur at all costs.
Hideki Tojo (Romina Garakani)
I have to say, from what I have heard, extremism is on the rise in Western Europe and Russia. I knew a day like this would come. I predicted it! Now, I can go back to those who laughed in my face when I told them my prediction and say: "Ha, I told you so!" I cannot express what I am feeling right now. Things are finally going my way! In Italy, Benito Mussolini, a fascist, created a new system, in which loyalty to the state replaced conflicting individual goals. He created a centralized, authoritarian government whose policies glorified the state over the individual. I suppose Mussolini felt that prior to his rule there was a lot of corruption and weakness. I cannot deny that for sure. He created a more strong and stable government that appealed to his people. Now that is smart. Yet again, in Russia, Joseph Stalin, a communist, also created a government that appealed to his people. He created a common economy, in which the government officials made economic decisions. Stalin won support among both urban and agricultural workers, while Mussolini found support from business leaders, wealthy landowners, and the lower middle class. In Germany, Adolf Hitler organized a system of totalitarian rule to achieve his goals. He controlled all areas of German life. Masses of his people believed in his promises, which led to his success.
Furthermore, I believe that the reason why extremism is growing in Western Europe and Russia is because all the leaders drew their powers by inspiring a blind devotion to the state, using terror to guard power, flourishing during economic hard times by promoting extreme programs of change, being charismatic, and claiming to rule. I believe that it is for the good of both the people and country for things to remain as they are today. Another reason why this is occurring is because governments were unstable and weak. Many people had no hope for their country, but with these rising and promising leaders, things changed. People found hope for their country and I am proud to say that I am one of those leaders. Extremism should and, I believe, will continue growing. Nothing should be done about it. If so, we will all live successful lives with great leaders. And I can say, with extremism, I was able to liberate Asia from white colonial oppression.
Furthermore, I believe that the reason why extremism is growing in Western Europe and Russia is because all the leaders drew their powers by inspiring a blind devotion to the state, using terror to guard power, flourishing during economic hard times by promoting extreme programs of change, being charismatic, and claiming to rule. I believe that it is for the good of both the people and country for things to remain as they are today. Another reason why this is occurring is because governments were unstable and weak. Many people had no hope for their country, but with these rising and promising leaders, things changed. People found hope for their country and I am proud to say that I am one of those leaders. Extremism should and, I believe, will continue growing. Nothing should be done about it. If so, we will all live successful lives with great leaders. And I can say, with extremism, I was able to liberate Asia from white colonial oppression.
Hideki Tojo (Will Campbell)
Some may view this growing extremism across Europe as a bad thing. What do I think? I think now is the time to act! Powers like Britain and France have held too strong a grip on the world and its precious resources, leaving smaller, less-fortunate countries like Germany or my home, Japan, weak and powerless on a global scale. Now, with great change striking fast and hard in the European powers, now's the time for us to take what we can from their imperial colonies in Africa, to claim the land that we deserve just as much as whoever may have owned it first; in light of the recent world war, it's now clear that the time to act is now, and the time to ensure our country's greatness is now. So now, thanks to this extremism, we have the opportunity to grow stronger as a nation!
Regarding this extremism that is popping up in the European powers, it has been the topic of much discussion as to why this is occurring. Well, I have an answer to this question. For those that don't already know, extremism is essentially acts and ideas occurring, usually from a group of people, that are very radical in regards to the current state of the government in the given country. So that basically means that if the government is a very democratic one, then many actions are being taken to enforce a more structured, spearheaded form of government. The reason behind this sudden change in the desires of the people is simple. This is all occurring due to the recent world war; the recent war brought about change, and I mean HUGE change. Entire world views have been changed or simply scrapped altogether due to the horrific events of the World War. And with everyone's views on life changing, it is only natural for them to desire change in their government. All it takes is a force working for this change that is strong enough and brave enough to enact it.
Another major topic of discussion in regards to the recent extremism is what should be done about it. Well, why does it matter? I mean, really nothing should be done about it, especially considering that nothing really CAN be done about it. All this is happening because the people want change; keeping in mind that a ruling power is really only as good as the people that are under its control, the governments experiencing this radical change really do not have many options, and what few options they do have are still quite radical in regards to the way things already were. So to sum up, what do I think should be done? Nothing. I feel we should just let the whole thing take its course and we shall all eventually see the new world that will rise from the ashes of the first World War; who will rise with new-found power, and who will fall from grace when faced with adversity that they simply do not want to allow.
Regarding this extremism that is popping up in the European powers, it has been the topic of much discussion as to why this is occurring. Well, I have an answer to this question. For those that don't already know, extremism is essentially acts and ideas occurring, usually from a group of people, that are very radical in regards to the current state of the government in the given country. So that basically means that if the government is a very democratic one, then many actions are being taken to enforce a more structured, spearheaded form of government. The reason behind this sudden change in the desires of the people is simple. This is all occurring due to the recent world war; the recent war brought about change, and I mean HUGE change. Entire world views have been changed or simply scrapped altogether due to the horrific events of the World War. And with everyone's views on life changing, it is only natural for them to desire change in their government. All it takes is a force working for this change that is strong enough and brave enough to enact it.
Another major topic of discussion in regards to the recent extremism is what should be done about it. Well, why does it matter? I mean, really nothing should be done about it, especially considering that nothing really CAN be done about it. All this is happening because the people want change; keeping in mind that a ruling power is really only as good as the people that are under its control, the governments experiencing this radical change really do not have many options, and what few options they do have are still quite radical in regards to the way things already were. So to sum up, what do I think should be done? Nothing. I feel we should just let the whole thing take its course and we shall all eventually see the new world that will rise from the ashes of the first World War; who will rise with new-found power, and who will fall from grace when faced with adversity that they simply do not want to allow.
Adolf Hitler (Kenny Shanos)
Extremism is very intense nationalism which is mainly caused by rulers making their people abide by them. This upcoming idea of extremism is one that caught my attention and I have wanted to use this ideal myself. It has worked and will continue to work in other countries including Russia. Why wouldn't you want all of your people to obey and listen to you in anything you say. I, as a leader of Germany, am using extremism to control the Jewish population. It is actually working! My secret army and Gestapo have been able to control the people that I want controlled which is great for me. I even have a new Third Reich which enables Germany's master race to dominate over other smaller, inferior races such as the Jewish people. Extremism is happening because of leaders that have the same amazing qualities as myself. I believe that with all of these great leaders, the world will be able to accomplish so much. Rulers can control exactly what is going on in their country, which is what every growing country needs to be successful. Both Russia and Germany, as well other developed countries, have great control over every move of the people allowing the ruler to capitalize on his control. I am a strong, effective leader and will continue to drive my ideals into action by extremism towards my people.
Winston Churchill (Kyle Sjoberg)
Lately there has been a rise in extremism in western Europe and Russia. I view Stalin as a bad leader. He massacred many innocent people for a stupid reasons. If the people of his country did not follow his rules then they would be killed. For example if they did not give up farm land to the government so they could use it for workers ten they would be arrested and punished to an extreme. Sure they didn't follow his rules, but that doesn't mean that he should hurt them. He could put them in jail. Labor camps were terrible because many people ended up dying in it. So the only way they could get out of being punished is by following and supporting Stalin. He used terror as a weapon so the peasants were afraid of him. they didn't want to die so some sided with Stalin. I feel that his power is too great. He uses it in the wrong way by killing innocent people. He could create a reform with the peasants to make everyone equal, but no he doesn't even do that. He would have purges to teach every a lesson. Tat lesson is not to mess with him. It is happening because the people with power think they are better then the people with out it. Stalin won't even try to live with anyone that disagrees with him. He should change the way he is running his government by living with everyone in an equal manor. He could easily make the country stronger by uniting everyone so all the people get a say.
Francisco Franco (Ian Macdonald)
Extremism has dual definitions. Yes, there is the surface definition of extremism, as the horrible, human rights stripping ideology that is frowned upon. Yet, let us take a deeper look into extremism, and the sheer power it brings the nations. For example, Russia and Germany have become immensely powerful. Also, let me make the side note that Hitler has really done me a lot of favors lately (Thanks!). The strict dictatorship I run could not be done without Hitler and the other western extremist nations. Why not look at this brighter definition of power and stability? Why not also follow this ideology, and maintain the true potential of your nation? My answer to that question will have to be that you have no idea what you are doing. In this world, power is how you survive. This extremist ideology will give you the power to survive as a nation. Rights should be sacrificed for power and stability, as this is what is the most beneficial choice for every nation. One may say that I am not an easy person to deal with and I am crazy (as Hitler stated he would rather have teeth extracted than deal with me), but I do know what is right for a nation. Let us look at the brighter side, and let us flow rivers of power into our nations.
Benito Mussolini (Eleanor Fulghum)
I cannot express how much I am infatuated with the term "extremism". Just the sound of it brings great joy to my ears! Something I find difficult to understand is how seriously people take anti-extremism. To be quite honest, I feel proud to confess myself as the founder..or the father of extremism! I mean, this entire concept of extremism has resulted from my very own ideology of Fascism, a principle focused on the aggressiveness of nationalism. What I can't seem to wrap my head around is the fact that people disapprove of my mass murders. People don't seem to understand that they are dying for nationalism and that there is nothing much wrong with a little bit of aggressiveness! So truly, you can most definitely reward me with the credit of the extremist idea! In my mind we need to pursue such extreme ideals, in order to make my people do what I say (for the sake of nationalism of course)! For Italia! And my people listen of course, Italy has never been stronger. Bow down to extremism, for Italy has. And I'm getting the feeling that Russia and the rest of Western Europe is about to catch on...
Dwight Eisenhower (Angelica Mirandou)
Extremism is growing in much of Western Europe and Russia at quick rate. Extremism is a form of aggressive or extreme nationalism. Now that sounds harsh, but it's what the people wanted. Prior to extremism the people of Western Europe and Russia suffered from a great depression. During that time people had no structure and because of this people were in distress. When extremism arose it was like a gleam if hope. For the people extremism offered structure and stability. The people were so desperate for stability that they were willing to give up anything. These people were so blind that they didn't see the downside of extremism. Now the people are suffering. Extremism has given all the power to one person. This one person can use the power anyway they want and no one can stop them. People are starving and being tortured under extremism. As President of a country witnessing this we should help these people. As a country we need to put an end to extremism because what is currently happening in Western Europe and Russia is inhumane. Even though we don't share borders with these people we must help one another. As a country we have realized the wrong doings of leaders in Western Europe and Russia and now we must help the people who can not help themselves.
Monday, April 28, 2014
WWII Unit Prompt #1 4/28/14
Comment on the rise of growing extremism in much of Western Europe and Russia. In your view, why is it happening and what, if anything, should be done about it?
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Communist Man (Reply to John Locke)
"All wars are started by religion"
Let us take a look at the Korean War! Those damn capitalists split apart Korea for a provisional government they sought fit. Once again, a great example of the United States claiming to know all knowledge and be above all. Also, the Soviet Union cooperated with the United Nations still managed to create a withstanding communist government in the north and a western favored state was placed in the south. The reason this war occurred was for the avoidance of all of Asia to become communist by the damn capitalists. They wanted to protect nations from governments they did not see "fit" (i know right?). Lastly, my friend Stalin was frightening the United States over who would be the world power! This war was a war over who put equality over efficiency and vice verse in their government structure! Government is not a religion, it is a way of order and life.
Let us take a look at the Korean War! Those damn capitalists split apart Korea for a provisional government they sought fit. Once again, a great example of the United States claiming to know all knowledge and be above all. Also, the Soviet Union cooperated with the United Nations still managed to create a withstanding communist government in the north and a western favored state was placed in the south. The reason this war occurred was for the avoidance of all of Asia to become communist by the damn capitalists. They wanted to protect nations from governments they did not see "fit" (i know right?). Lastly, my friend Stalin was frightening the United States over who would be the world power! This war was a war over who put equality over efficiency and vice verse in their government structure! Government is not a religion, it is a way of order and life.
Monday, April 7, 2014
I was procrastinating so I did this......
The Many Faces of Erik Carlson
Topic: All wars can be blamed on Religion.
John Locke: Thank you Mr.Speaker for recognizing me today. We have all convened here today to discuss whether or not wars can be blamed on religion. I myself has had personal experience with this issue after I witnessed the European wars on Religion. These wars were a series of wars waged in Europe from 1524 to 1648. These wars followed the onset of the Protestant Reformation in Europe. I believe that all wars can be blamed on Religion because people are suppressed by the majority and are not granted religious freedom. To prevent wars in the future it is in the best interest of the people to grant religious tolerance.
Topic: All wars can be blamed on Religion.
John Locke: Thank you Mr.Speaker for recognizing me today. We have all convened here today to discuss whether or not wars can be blamed on religion. I myself has had personal experience with this issue after I witnessed the European wars on Religion. These wars were a series of wars waged in Europe from 1524 to 1648. These wars followed the onset of the Protestant Reformation in Europe. I believe that all wars can be blamed on Religion because people are suppressed by the majority and are not granted religious freedom. To prevent wars in the future it is in the best interest of the people to grant religious tolerance.
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