Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dwight Eisenhower (Angelica Mirandou)

Extremism is growing in much of Western Europe and  Russia at quick rate. Extremism is a form of aggressive or extreme nationalism. Now that sounds harsh, but it's what the people wanted. Prior to extremism the people of Western Europe and Russia suffered from a great depression. During that time people had no structure and because of this people were in distress. When extremism arose it was like a gleam if hope. For the people extremism offered structure and stability. The people were so desperate for stability that they were willing to give up anything. These people were so blind that they didn't see the downside of extremism. Now the people are suffering. Extremism has given all the power to one person. This one person can use the power anyway they want and no one can stop them. People are starving and being tortured under extremism. As President of a country witnessing this we should help these people. As a country we need to put an end to extremism because what is currently happening in Western Europe and Russia is inhumane. Even though we don't share borders with these people we must help one another. As a country we have realized the wrong doings of leaders in Western Europe and Russia and now we must help the people who can not help themselves.


  1. Benito Mussolini (Eleanor Fulghum)
    Mr. Eisenhower, I do not believe your reasoning! Personally I feel your discontent for extremism is purely a result of your jealousy of my success. What you aren't understanding is that extremism is a necessity in order to unify a group of people. In fact, since I have come to power and shared my Fascist ideas, Italy has never been stronger. I also do not understand how extremism can be viewed as "inhumane" considering it is no less inhumane as other truly effective forms of rule. The U.S. are simply jealous of our victories!

  2. Hideki Tojo
    I also do not agree with what you have said because what we are doing is necessary. It is not inhumane, but necessary for humans. It is helping us build our countries to be strong and powerful. Extremism will help us get to the point that we would like to be, so why should we stop that? We have set goals that we would like to reach, so why stop trying to reach them? The only way to reach these goals is through extremism.
