Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Jewish Refugee (Michael Kowalski)

Extremism.... the reason countless numbers of my people died. You ask why I think that it happened and what I believe should be done about it. To this question there is only one answer; God. God is why we suffered, through numerous days of labor, pain, and death. How else would the atrocities that happen have occurred in this semi-modern era. How could humanity allow women and children to be gassed with impunity. How could man permit hundreds of thousands of Jews be slain at the hands of the barbaric Nazis in cruel and inhumane methods! There is only one answer to this... God. God has been displeased with our people, for our sins and disloyalty to Him. There is only one hope that we have... repentance... Life as we know it shall forever been stained by with blood of God's people. As for what we can do, there is nothing. Nothing can halt God's wrath. His will shall only been done when we have been scared and maimed for generations with the terror that he inflicted. God... Creator and Destroyer...


  1. I have accepted my God destined fate, but it seams it is not enough for you. Why must you feel the need to attack me and my people before we can leave Germany, thus riding you of your quarllel with us. Let my people make a second Exodus and leave your nation of death .

  2. Charles De Gaulle: Your thoughts are...interesting to say the least. Perhaps your ideas come from an era where God serves a purpose, however that God has no place in this world. It is not God who made you suffer so. It is not God that killed your children and your families. Is it not man who created these weapons that kill your children and your families? Is it not man who has kicked you off your land and pushed you into a corner? Is it not man who said "We shall make Jews suffer!" and then made it so? It is foolish to believe that God has unleashed his wrath among a land of innocents. Only one man here is to blame, and that man lives by the name of Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler is the reason why you suffer, and if he is defeated then your lives will return back to what they were before the start of this heinous conflict. I promise you that France will deal with this German scourge, and that you shall see your home returned in peace.

    1. Thomas Hobbes:
      Sadly Great General sir, you are quite wrong in your accusation of blaming the Powerful and respectable Hitler. The man simply took what was in front of him. Would you expect a child to refuse the bar of chocolate laid out in front of him. Well of course you would, being an uncivilized Frenchmen. But that tangent is far from my purpose today. Hitler, like the child that he is, simply took advantage of Democracy's weakness and his rights. Taking away the rights that allowed Hitler to allocate and accumulate power would ultimately secure the lives of the millions of Jews that were slain at this man's hands.

    2. Thomas Hobbes
      How dare your try to place such unfounded accusations upon me. I speak the truths that the people of e world must hear. Also I would implore the French military to be more unlike what comes out of the back end of a mule. Given that Hitler could destroy you for your wrong words, I would admonish you to process some respect and dignity when talking. Also it would n your favor to not have the right to speak in such a manner, providing a prime example of how not having rights ultimately protects you. Lastly I would advise your fellow Frenchmen to refrain from spouting violent rants in the name of your country and it's past leaders.

    3. Neville Chamberlain:

      A bar of chocolate is much, much, MUCH more different than death. You see, chocolate provides satisfaction for the eater. If you are trying to imply that death and killing people for land is satisfaction, then my views on you have changed significantly, Mr. Hobbes. A dictator must be resisted and peace must be promoted.

    4. Thomas Hobbes
      You are right my diplomatic sir, but I feel that there has been a miscommunication. I hold life above all other rights, that which they shouldn't exist, and That was no my intention to seem that way. I was measly bring to our group of figures attention to the fact that this form of government works. However, Hitler, being the bloodthirsty child he is makes a mess of the processes and reforms. Pardon me for the miscommunication.

  3. Parisian Business Owner (Ben Acker)

    My friend, your anger has but led you astray from the most important things in life. God has no quarrel with your people. His time of deliverance is but not upon us yet; it has not come to the moment for our salvation. God will let the world take its course, will let those who hate and those who are lost find their way. Yes, these things they have done are terrible, and I may never fathom the intense pain that you have felt. But when the times demand it, God will come. God will save us from these monsters and bring us happiness. All we must do is complete his test; we need to show him that we can resist these atrocities and stand stronger than those who wish to harm us.

    1. Jewish Refugee:
      My fellow sufferer, I thank thee for your wise words. However, God is the only true one that knows all. He is the one who knows how out torment will end. Beware of what you say or our divine governor may strike out at you.

  4. Neville Chamberlain:

    Yeah! Leave the Jews alone! They did NOTHING to you... promote peace, not destruction.
