Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hideki Tojo (Romina Garakani)

         I have to say, from what I have heard, extremism is on the rise in Western Europe and Russia. I knew a day like this would come. I predicted it! Now, I can go back to those who laughed in my face when I told them my prediction and say: "Ha, I told you so!" I cannot express what I am feeling right now. Things are finally going my way! In Italy, Benito Mussolini, a fascist, created a new system, in which loyalty to the state replaced conflicting individual goals. He created a centralized, authoritarian government whose policies glorified the state over the individual. I suppose Mussolini felt that prior to his rule there was a lot of corruption and weakness. I cannot deny that for sure. He created a more strong and stable government that appealed to his people. Now that is smart. Yet again, in Russia, Joseph Stalin, a communist, also created a government that appealed to his people. He created a common economy, in which the government officials made economic decisions. Stalin won support among both urban and agricultural workers, while Mussolini found support from business leaders, wealthy landowners, and the lower middle class. In Germany, Adolf Hitler organized a system of totalitarian rule to achieve his goals. He controlled all areas of German life. Masses of his people believed in his promises, which led to his success.           
         Furthermore, I believe that the reason why extremism is growing in Western Europe and Russia is because all the leaders drew their powers by inspiring a blind devotion to the state, using terror to guard power, flourishing during economic hard times by promoting extreme programs of change, being charismatic, and claiming to rule. I believe that it is for the good of both the people and country for things to remain as they are today. Another reason why this is occurring is because governments were unstable and weak. Many people had no hope for their country, but with these rising and promising leaders, things changed. People found hope for their country and I am proud to say that I am one of those leaders. Extremism should and, I believe, will continue growing. Nothing should be done about it. If so, we will all live successful lives with great leaders. And I can say, with extremism, I was able to liberate Asia from white colonial oppression.

1 comment:

  1. Adolf Hitler: Thank you for your support of my beliefs. However, do not expect to win against me, for I am more powerful than you.
