Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Charles De Gaulle (Ryan Teng)

Perhaps we were foolish for pretending like this would never happen. Those damn Germans...they were always the kind that would follow an insane ruler, such as Hitler. Perhaps it is as the English say, and the rise of the Extremists was our fault. Perhaps we should not have been so greedy when creating the Treaty of Versailles, however it was all done in order to ensure the security and the order of France. We wanted nothing more. That is, at least, my viewpoint on it all. But enough with these guesses of mistakes. Enough with the pointing of fingers. The time is now, and the fight is slowly coming to our doorstep, and we must stop the advancing forces upon our lands. I believe it is our duty, no it is our purpose to go and crush the oncoming extremists with our own hands. THE TIME FOR QUESTIONS OF BLAME IS NOT FOR NOW. NOW IS THE TIME FOR WAR. And I'll say, France will come out on top of it all.


  1. Adolf Hitler: I am not the only one who has used terror to get my point across. Maybe if the French did not hound my people so hard with the Treaty of Versailles we would not have felt the need to display how powerful we truly are!

  2. Sans culottes
    Countryman, why have you weakened our country?!? You have a duty to restore France to the high functioning state of Robesipiere! This is your duty as mine was to revolt. You must continue the Revoltion, brother. FREEDOM, BLOODSHED, AND RIBESPIERRE!!!

  3. Adolf Hitler:
    Charles, first of all, why do you call me insane? I am just trying to unite the German-speaking areas of the world. At this point in time, I have not done anything other than this goal of mine. It has just harmed a small number of people and this was for a good cause. It doesn't matter if these people die because the individual is below the state goals. A few deaths here and there is worth it for the best of the majority. Why do you feel that you need to fight me? I will not invade France. And anyway, do you really think that you could beat my Gestapo and SS in battle? I think you need to get your facts straight. Fighting me would do no good because I will make my people believe in me and fight for the best ideals in society. Being the strong leader that I am, I haven't meant any harm to you so far, so why are you being so defensive?
