Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Stalin (Elise Warren)

Free speech, free thought, the right to practice one's own religion, the right to an education, the right to adequate food and housing- do these really make man any happier? Freedom may liberate, but it will never secure. In order for a society to be successful economically, politically, and culturally, there needs to be order. What better way to implement order and control in a government than complete dictatorship! This is extremism, and this method should be carried on throughout the generations. This method creates security to those who support it, and guarantees them safety and support by their leaders. Man should not have to live in fear of his life that freedom creates by giving too much control to the people. The common people do not know what to do with so much freedom, and need this form of government to soothe them in all their worries! Men and women have the right to food and housing, the right to practice religion and educate themselves, in other forms of government, but do not necessarily obtain these privileges due to their lack of instruction on what to do with it. So, one must ask himself, what is the point of having these rights if they're only weakening the people and their country? Is it not more important to be powerful and secure than weak and free? Does man understand that growing extremism will lead him a better life, as long as he follows the reasonable rules? I guess the men that understand and support this method of thinking will survive and thrive, while those who don't will just have to learn...


  1. Adolf Hitler: I agree with you on some of your points, Joseph. However, I wish you would take into account more of the great ideas of Fascism. I feel like it would really help you out.

  2. Parisian Business Owner (Ben Acker)

    Oh là là! L'ironie de tout cela! If you don't like the idea of freedom, then you've never tried a COMPLIMENTARY loaf of my best bread fresh from the flames! Oh, the crust is sooo crunchy, yet crumbles away into crispy heaven with the first bite. And the insides? Imagine a cloud, mixed with a week-old bunny's fur. IT'S THAT FLUFFY! So your talks of freedom-hating, think again! Come around France sometime and I'll hook you up with the bread of the gods!

    1. Sans culottes
      You talk of bread, but have you ever truly been deprived of it. Have you had to steal the staple to provide for your sister and her family? No. Frenchmen have lost sight of our sacrifice and sufferage. We must re teach the lessons of Robspierre ... for LIBERTY,JUSTICE, AND THE REVOULTION ARE THE ONLY TRUTHS IN LIFE!!!

  3. Eleanor Roosevelt
    Stalin, you're statement astounds me. How dare you speak for your people in such manner. WHat gives you the right to say they cannot make these choices and complete these actions into making Russia a better place. Even though some of these people are ignorant and need guidance, this is not the just way to do it. Not to mention, all of the men capable of improving your nation are either scared to speak out, in the Gulags, or already dead after trying to help all of the people that you are torturing. Surely you must understand the agony your people are going through. Ask yourself, what if it were you in their position.

  4. Francisco Franco
    Hitler and Stalin, I must say to each of you that you are both right in your own ways. You have both built impressive governments with your fantastic ideals. I cannot give enough thanks to the help you provided me. These people who believe rights are more important have lost sight of what is truly important. Power and stability for the motherland!

    1. Thomas Hobbes:
      Good eventing chancellor, I see that you are spreading the one true truth; rights are weakness and should be condemned. The best way to cook a soup is to have one chef stew the ingredients. Notice there is only one cook. Government must function in a mirroring fashion. Complete Monarchy, for the sake of example, is a high functioning and successfull form of Government. Think of the Pharos of Egypt building Pryamids under a monarch. Now my good sir tell me of the blunders that the French experience during their democracy. There are simply too many faults to list in a moderately sized paragraph. Localizing power into one man shall create the ultimate governing body and establish rule for generations.

  5. Winston Churchill
    I have to disagree with you on this one. You segregate many people because they do not agree with you. It isn't really free education when there some people can't get it because you send them to labor camps. Just because these people have a different opinion then you doesn't mean you can get a rid of them. Everyone should be equal. You should not have all this power. You are using it in the wrong way.
