Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Parisian Business Owner (Ben Acker)

Oh là là! Mais mon cheri! Ces dirigeants nouveaux sont les monstres! Les assassins! Et mon poches son vides! This depression will be the death of me! I'm losing everything, and all because of the things the world must do to ruin an honest business man as myself. It was just two days ago that I had customers galore brimming my shop, swarming to receive the blessings of which that is my bakery. But that's not all! The extremists are reviving in our neighbor's lands, laying corruption far and wide. We should have finished the job when we had the chance! Our armies were at their gates, and we let them go on. Our leaders failed to impose the consequences of war upon them, and now they are upon us once again! Won't we be next? Harbored into camps, enslaved until our release into death? Their peoples are misled, desperate, manipulated by loss and twisted by need; now, these horrible leaders have risen, with their erratic thinking and mass killings simply to gain power. These dictators must be stopped, for the sake of our families, our homes, our businesses, and our lives! VIVE LA FRANCE, ET VIVE LE MONDE!

1 comment:

  1. Joseph Stalin (Zack Johnson)
    Monsieur, you bake bread for a living. You describe how your business flourished in the past. Thus, most likely you have always had enough food on the table and a roof above your head. However, I want yourself to picture yourself crouched in the corner bordering your store. You are hungry and dirty. However, you cannot afford to enter the shop and pay for the wonderful-smelling bread. So you sit there, wallowing in your suffering. Depression sits in and soon you begin to question whether France is really such a glorious land after all. You lose your faith. The new policies that we have put in place are not for you, the thriving business owner. They are for the suffering men and women on the streets and the poor. We create order and instill a sense of pride in what it means to be french. We pick people up off of their haunches and catapult them into relative comfort. We eliminate disabilities and weakness and dissent. I believe that this a society that you can sacrifice a little bread for.
