Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Winston Churchill (Yash Gokhale)

The lunatics are coming to power. Both Western Europe and Russia are experiencing the horrors of having a psychopath as a leader. The rise of extremism is creating fear among the people of Europe and Russia, and it must be stopped. Leaders such as Hitler and Stalin are terrorizing their citizens through the use of mass purges and secret police. Such leaders are power hungry, and by using fear, they will be able to control their populations to do whatever they desire. These Leaders are threats to all those around them, yet they are still allowed to come to power. You might ask yourself, why is this? These monsters are allowed to come to power because in times of uncertainty, people will trade their freedoms for stability. And so, to stop this rise of extremism we must create stability. To do this, the allies must stop demanding reparations from Germany. They have paid enough for their crimes, and by ending the demand for reparations, Germany's economy will stabilize and its people will no longer need Hitler. By bringing stability to Western Europe and Russia the extremist will be driven away by the very people who put them into power.


  1. (Stalin) Are you calling me and my friends lunatics?! If anything, you're the crazy one for not accepting and supporting the rise to extremism. We will be the ones who make you safe and secure, and if it takes fear or a few lives to do that then we will risk it.

    1. (Churchill)
      You will make me safe?! How exactly will I be safe under your rule? With your mass purges, the largest of which took the lives of four million people, no one is safe. You killed off anyone you saw as a “threat,” and we both know that the majority of the people you murdered were not actual threats to anybody. Only a mentally deranged human being murders people as you do, so yes I am calling you and your "friends" lunatics.

  2. American Woman Factory Worker: I agree that economic stability is the most important thing on the people's minds right now. After all, we are in a depression. From first hand experience, I know that I would trade anything to be able to avoid starvation and be in a better financial situation.

  3. Francisco Franco
    Well sir Hitler, if only I could agree with you more. This man has his ideals originating from the world of make believe. Does he not understand that nations cannot gain power without complete government control!?!

  4. (Churchill)
    Muddling? My dear Hitler I am not muddling anything, I am simply speaking the truth. You instill fear in your people to control them. You kill millions of people on suspicion of them being enemies of the state, Jewish, having hereditary diseases, the list of reasons to be executed goes on. Anyone can be killed for anything, and it is this thought that creates fear in your people. I am not muddling I am stating the facts. You are a psychopath and your actions prove it.
