Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hideki Tojo (Will Campbell)

     Some may view this growing extremism across Europe as a bad thing. What do I think? I think now is the time to act! Powers like Britain and France have held too strong a grip on the world and its precious resources, leaving smaller, less-fortunate countries like Germany or my home, Japan, weak and powerless on a global scale. Now, with great change striking fast and hard in the European powers, now's the time for us to take what we can from their imperial colonies in Africa, to claim the land that we deserve just as much as whoever may have owned it first; in light of the recent world war, it's now clear that the time to act is now, and the time to ensure our country's greatness is now. So now, thanks to this extremism, we have the opportunity to grow stronger as a nation!

     Regarding this extremism that is popping up in the European powers, it has been the topic of much discussion as to why this is occurring. Well, I have an answer to this question. For those that don't already know, extremism is essentially acts and ideas occurring, usually from a group of people, that are very radical in regards to the current state of the government in the given country. So that basically means that if the government is a very democratic one, then many actions are being taken to enforce a more structured, spearheaded form of government. The reason behind this sudden change in the desires of the people is simple. This is all occurring due to the recent world war; the recent war brought about change, and I mean HUGE change. Entire world views have been changed or simply scrapped altogether due to the horrific events of the World War. And with everyone's views on life changing, it is only natural for them to desire change in their government. All it takes is a force working for this change that is strong enough and brave enough to enact it.

     Another major topic of discussion in regards to the recent extremism is what should be done about it. Well, why does it matter? I mean, really nothing should be done about it, especially considering that nothing really CAN be done about it. All this is happening because the people want change; keeping in mind that a ruling power is really only as good as the people that are under its control, the governments experiencing this radical change really do not have many options, and what few options they do have are still quite radical in regards to the way things already were. So to sum up, what do I think should be done? Nothing. I feel we should just let the whole thing take its course and we shall all eventually see the new world that will rise from the ashes of the first World War; who will rise with new-found power, and who will fall from grace when faced with adversity that they simply do not want to allow.

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