Thursday, November 14, 2013

Jeremy Bentham (Meran Topalian)

The revolution was a long project, one that had many positive outcomes. The revolution was a spark for everyone, not just for the people in Britain, but for almost everyone in the world. As we look at it new inventions and new ideas spark for a more prosperous lifestyle. However, with the help from complex machines we lose jobs to those who were the ones always making the goods. But, in reality, the food surplus went up and so did the population. When you have more food, you have more people not starving. Also, brought to the table during the revolution was the unknown idea of medicine. With the anesthetic, people don't feel pain during an operation. However, medicine was costly and wasn't that the hands of all. So, it is untrue to say that the revolution was a positive outcome for "everyone" but a positive outcome for most; the revolution must be done!


  1. (Karl Marx) Sure, it helped many people but only the people in the upper class. It only provided additional labor for the lower class. The majority worked very long hours and received very little pay. No body should have to work in those conditions. The only people that it affected positively was the factory owners and upper class man because the harder their employees work, the more money they get and keep to themselves.

  2. Male London Factory Worker (Ben Acker)

    I lost many freedoms because of this revolution. I can still remember watching butterflies land on the fingers of my children as they frolicked through our fields. I could feel the wind running through my hair as I paused from my hard work. Now, it's all gone. They stripped me of my land and tossed me into a danger-filled, artificial factory. Before, I grew my own food. I only had to take care of myself and my family. My "wages" came from the produce I sold in my community. Not some fat, cigar-smoking rich man who hated giving away his money for salaries as much as the Americans hated King George III. An Industrial Revolution is not a necessity; it is a choice. If the majority is happy with society, don't try to change it and still think that they will agree.

  3. (Robert Owens) Ok now for a second think what if money was out of the equation. What if there was no currency or barter system. What if everyone just out of the good of their hearts just helped others! Without expecting any payment at all just because they are fellow human beings. In return I'd pay you with say gratitude like a hug - Sarah.
