Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Karl Marx (Braden Fleming)

Shifting Jobs overseas to take advantage of cheap labor sources and natural resources is not the best possible solution to fix our economy because it will only create an even larger gap between social classes. The wealthy will become more wealthy, while the poor will remain poor. Poverty is our most important economic problem right now and fixing that should be our main focus. The only people that will benefit from shifting the jobs overseas are the people of the upper class because they can have more resources to use for cheaper because of supply and demand. However, the entrepreneurs will not raise the wages of the workers because of Ricardo's law of iron wages. Everybody must be equal! This must be a priority of ours, and shifting jobs overseas will not fix the class problem we are facing now. Shifting jobs anywhere will not change the ideas of the entrepreneurs who run their businesses. No matter what, they will still treat the lower class men horribly. Forcing them to work in awful conditions and not raising there pay. So why should the upper classes become even richer and benefit from something like this and have the poor remain in the horrible conditions they're suffering from already. It is just unfair.


  1. Male London Factory Worker (Brian Gemma)

    That is a wonderful point that you bring up. I couldn't agree more. The social classes will definitely become farther apart. The people that really need to benefit will not be the ones who are getting the money. You perfectly explained it when you said, "The wealthy will become more wealthy, while the poor will remain poor." This is exactly correct. It is just not right to make the wealthy even richer. The poor are the ones who need it, not them! Shifting jobs overseas most certainly is not the best possible solution. The factory workers like myself and the miners are the ones who are really in need of help. Not the wealthy or businessmen. A different action must be proposed in order to help out people like me, factory workers and miners.

  2. I also completely agree with your point. The real reason entrepreneurs are shifting jobs over seas is so they can make more money because its cheaper. This will truly make the wealthy more wealthy and the poor poorer since the poor are trying to get jobs. Also the poor had their jobs as farmers taken away, making it harder for them to get jobs.
