Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thomas Malthus (Angelica Mirandou)

Europe's industrial revolution did not have a positive impact on all its citizens. Yes, there were positives that came out of the industrial revolution, but the negatives out weighed them. As the industrial revolution continued people began to live in crowded areas, families starved, and because everyone lived and worked in close proximity disease spread like wild fire. All of these factor were brought up through the industrial revolution and they caused death. The main problem surrounding these causes was the rapid increase in the population. In An Essay on the Principle of Population written by yours truly I explain how the increase in population didn't match the increase on food and supplies. With this problem at hand the industrial revolution didn't help much, but created more problems. I didn't write this essay on only what I saw, but I researched for many years. As I wrote my essay I watched the beginning of the industrial revolution unfold and tried to see what it would bring to the people in Europe. This industrial revolution did not have a positive impact on all of Europe's citizens.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Herbert Spencer (Olivia Harrington)
    Even though few people died during the Industrial Revolution, I disagree with you. I believe that the outcomes of the revolution were mainly positive. This change in industry brought about so many great and inspirational ideas. Without these inventions, there would be more hard work and labor causing people to suffer and possibly even die. An example of this is the cotton gin. Without the cotton gin, invented by Eli Whitney, workers would still have to take the seeds out of the cotton by hand, which was a long, hard process. With this invention this job became much easier. You said that the population increase did not match the food and supply increase, but the reason for this population increase was the food and supply. Overall, I disagree. I believe that the Industrial Revolution did have a positive impact on European citizens.
