Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Jeremy Bentham (Meran Topalian)

The idea of shifting jobs overseas where labor is cheap and natural resources are abundant is truly a disaster waiting to happen. Before I argue, just think of all the questions that would arise from this truly horrifying possibility? If we just give jobs overseas, how will the workers and the people of America, "The Land of Opportunity", give any opportunity of a successful lifestyle? Exactly, it won't! No cheap labor is labor, just look at the word in front of it! The idea of forcing the men, women, and especially children overseas working hard because it is cheap is a really disturbing picture. One that no one should find acceptable! Everyone in America would be in a complete revolt because Americans, their fellow Americans, are too cheap to pay them what they deserve! Again as Americans, we are greedy for what we don't have! We want to shift jobs overseas to steal these other countries national resources. You don't suppose that by us just taking other countries resources that they will look at us with a look of gratitude. No! They want exactly what we want, and if we are always wanting we will never have countries to have our backs! We want a country built upon hard work, and hard work that must be compensated for equally and fairly! This is exactly why shifting jobs overseas would bring nothing but digging ourselves into an economic depression!

1 comment:

  1. Adam Smith (Sarah Schumacher) Why would this be a disaster? Would jobs not be spread throughout the world? Would there not be a mass-production of goods? Would the production rate not be on a global scale? All of these are true Mr. Bentham. Indeed they are. More jobs, means more people getting paid higher wages! How can you disagree and turn down a stimulated economy, my dear old friend? One can simply not, and if he did, I have pity on such a foolish lad.
