Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Winston Churchill (Kyle Sjoberg)
I should have expected for hitler to invade Poland. He wants to take over everyone so England and France needs to stop him. America is getting a lot stronger and we could really use them. My reaction wasn't to great. I think everyone expected it. All it was, was a waiting game. We now need to step in a shut down Germany. We can't let them kill everyone in their way. So we need to make a stand. Germany's army is so great that it will take multiple armies to stop them. It didn't take them that much time to take over Poland so we didn't have much time to react. Sadly they lost, but the allies will fight back and Hitler will go back to his awful country. He can't boss everyone around so we have to show him up. They will regret they took Poland.
Charles de Gaulle (Meran Topalian)
Why am I not surprised that Germany has invaded Poland. Hitler and Stalin are just very greedy individuals and no one should be surprised this invasion has happened. All they want is all of Europe. They will take nothing less and this was as expected. They couldn't even deal with the fact that Czechoslovakia was there for grabs and just had to go for it. Why? For one reason, they are a bunch of greedy snobs and secondly they are trying to prove their superiority of a nation to all of the world. Germans invade and Stalin helps. Hitler and Stalin are a dynamic duo when it comes to conquering land and almost nothing will stop them. France as a whole must be ready to defeat Germany and Hitler must be able to accept to the fact that he will lose this fight. France is strong! France shall rise above Germany and be at the top.
Neville Chamberlain (Julian Wu)
Poland. I cannot believe what I am hearing. Germany has risen to a form of terror so uncontrollable that I MUST take action and do what's right for my country. Hitler has gone out of control. I have tried peaceful negotiations. I have tried to give him what he wanted. And what was the result? More greed, more pain, more death.I must unite with France to take down this growing abomination. Poland, our ally, must be protected. After seeing World War I and its results, how could anyone want to even think about warfare? And here you are, Germany... tearing down buildings, massacring people, and destroying land. There has been far too many times where I allowed Hitler to take over foreign land to promote and ensure peace. However, this is clearly not working. I'm not blind. I realize that the moment of peace I have yearned for in my heart is ultimately gone. Wars and battles are unavoidable. Prepare for war, my fellow comrades and soldiers. Prepare for war.
Stalin- Elise Warren
It's bitter sweet for me, really. Sweet because I should have nothing to worry about from the Non-Aggression Act. Bitter because of the threat it has sent to me, Russia, and our "little brothers." Although we have signed a treaty to not fight with Germany, we all know we are just stalling war. Germany is gaining more and more power and building their massive empire in close proximity to The Soviet Union. Although we may agree in terms of the way in which we rule, this is a precarious situation. The Soviet Union must proceed cautiously in our next steps as war rapidly approaches. The invasion of Poland has increased the severity of our situation, as well as the rest of Europe, and therefore increasing the tension in our relationship.
Jewish Refugee (Michael Kowalski)
It frightens me to witness what God is willing to permit. He has abandoned us and worsened the conditions of those who still remain in the death camps. Adding the thousands of poles to each concentration camp only lowers the food supply, forcing the SS to even further starve my people. My only explaniation is that God is giving us a test, a test in our stock in him. We must affirm to no kill in retaliation, we must obey the commandments and follow his will even in the worst of times. By this God will surely be pleased and show mercy, smithing Hitler and abolishing his Nazi party from heaven. They must be banished to the deepest depths of hell, but that is where some of my comrades still "live"...
Winston Churchill (Yash Gokhale)
Is it truly a surprise that the Nazis have invaded Poland? The beast has been allowed to grow into something quite hideous, and now it has spread itself over four lands and has not met any resistance. Germany has become a spoiled child and thinks that it can take any country it wants. Appeasement has allowed for this to happen. Now it is time to stand up and stop this madness. We can no longer sit around twiddling our thumbs as we watch the world burned down by Hitler. We NEED to go to war. There is no other way: no compromise, and no appeasement. Only a sturdy backbone and a large stick will whip Germany into shape. If we do not fight for our nation today, there may be no nation to fight for tomorrow.
Dwight Eisenhower (Max Moss)
I cannot believe we are letting Hitler have free rule over Europe! This is simply outrageous, we cannot just sit here and watch Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich enslave Europe. This guy is clearly a nutcase. He just storms into all of these countries and takes them over by force. It is a good thing that people are finally starting to realize that Hitler isn't some nonviolent pacifist. We have to come to our senses and recognize that the continuous compromises must stop. Surely Poland is the final straw Americans! Although Germany may have a strong leadership and army, we must come together and rise above his evil. Although Poland has fallen, we can assure that Europe will not if we take action sooner rather than later. The tragedy in Poland is over and we must think ahead for the greater good of the world.
Charles Du Gaulle (Ryan Teng)
What is this?!? The Germans have invaded Poland?!? I always knew those scumbags were up to something. We should have never trusted them when they said their efforts were only to "unite Germany." BAH. What fools we were, though I had always suspected that this was coming for us. Those Germans cannot keep their hands off of a muddy, mountainous region of Czechoslovakia, of course they would try to run their mitts all over the rest of Europe! And what's this?!? Joseph Stalin aided in the German takeover of Poland? Of course...OF COURSE...of course this would bloody happen! Both Stalin and Hitler are dirty, power hungry, PIGS who don't know the difference between enslaving an entire country and eating a bagel for breakfast. My only hope now is that France will crush these petty weaklings soon before all of Europe has to get involved. France will rise and Hitler better be prepared for defeat in war.
Joseph Stalin (Zack Johnson)
They say every action has an equal and opposite reaction. When one hits a ball, it rebounds in the opposite direction. When one eats too much junk food, one will gain weight. Yet, still Britain and France cry out against the German invasion of Poland. This invasion is simply the equal and opposite reaction to the corrosive nature of unchecked freedom. For years, Britain and France were paralyzed by choices. They were afraid of pushing any buttons and starting any feuds. For this reason, they were continually taken advantage of. Their policy of appeasement provided a wide open door for the Germans to simply walk through. They allowed Germany to take Sudetenland and Austria. They allowed Hitler to gain such awe inspiring power. They were ridden with fear in a time where action was necessary. In addition, the priority placed on order in the German organization allowed them to improve their military and restore Germany to its former glory. Had Britain and France placed this much priority on order and action, this invasion would never have happened. Some question why the Soviet Union signed the pact with Germany. I reveal to these people how much I enjoy seeing the beautiful order of the German system triumph over the paralysis that accompanies freedom. Long live the alliance!
George Marshall (Kyle Riggs)
I knew it! I knew that the nazies couldn't be trusted. This recent attack on Poland only furthers my belief that war is fast coming. We can not as a united world, continue to appease Germany. We must put our foot down at some point, and when we do there will be a great conflict. This will not be an easy war. Germany showed us that yesterday when they conquered Poland masterfully. Their tactics compliment their armies in a way that we must strive to do if we wish to fight them. Germany has strong leaders and strong weapons. We must prepare for war. We can not allow Germany to surround France, or any other country, as they did to Poland. If they do so, then all is lost. We must plan in a way that will eliminate this possibility. I will begin to think of a plan for war. Until then, be safe and I will speak to you all again when we gain more information.
Eleanor Roosevelt (Chris Wright)
I do not like the fact that Germany has invaded Poland. They are a strong and powerful nation that we are letting get away with too much, especially for being so cruel to jews. The U.S may believe that the Hitler is "reuniting" Germany but this will not be the last place they will invade. Hitler is a powerful and greedy person with no consideration towards other people in Europe especially those he believes are "inferior". I believe we need to stop Hitler and German now before it gets out of hand and tries to take over some of our allies countries. If the Germans had to live like the jews in Europe they might understand how cruel they are being to these people. We need to help Great Britain and France more than giving them supplies. It is the only way we can halt this powerful nation from taking over Europe! Hitler must pay for his actions against the jews and their families!
Parisian Business Owner (Ben Acker)
Oh là là ! La fin est sur nous! Fermez vos fenêtres! Cachez vos filles et enfants! Oh dear, look what he has done. Look what he has done against Poland and to the peace of our nations! First extremism, then this! Yes, Germany lost much of its might after its many failures in WWI. But, this was their own doing! They initiated plans of attack and domination on their peace-loving neighbors. Thus, we put them in their place, then safeguarded against future plans they may have had for domination. Apparently, this was not enough! Greed and dominance are all they desire, and it overcomes the sense of logic they may have had. Hitler's actions don't only threaten our sovereignty, as they have corrupted the Soviets too! Our past allies, who once helped us defeat the German initiative nearly 25 years ago. If we can't keep Hitler's power at bay, we may very well be next on the chopping block.
Andres Naranjo (Benito Mussolini)
As a great and powerful dictator myself, I am flattered to see that Adolf Hitler is following my steps. It is thrilling to me when one creates something and people decide to follow it. When Hitler invaded Poland, it proved that my ways always work and are the best for ones growing community. I believe in a totalitarian state and Hitler is carrying it out excellently in Germany. Hitler should carry his plan to take over Europe! after all it is the survival of the fittest. Conquering Poland was a strategic move for him and I personally would have done the same thing. I hope I can expand my reign as well as he is doing so that Italy can become an empire once again. VIVA ITALIA!!!
Dwight Eisenhower (Angelica Mirandou)
Why are we allowing this to happen? Hitler is acquiring more land and in the process he is killing people who are just defending their home. People are starting to realize that Hitler is out to cause people pain and has only his own personal gain in mind. There is nothing we can do about Germany's invasion of Poland, but we can prevent Germany from invading anywhere else. As the leader of the United States of America I believe that we, the countries who realize the harm Hitler is doing, need to ally together to stop him. Germany is strong, but together we can put his dictatorship to an end. Think about the scared people under Hitler's rule who can't fight for themselves. No country wants Hitler to invade, so we must stop Hitler not only for ourselves, but for the people who can't fight against him. As of now there isn't much we can do for Poland, but if we can stop Hitler now we might be able to claim all the land he has invaded. What happened in Poland is a terrible thing, but now we must think of prevention and ending all of this.
Hideki Tojo (Olivia Harrington)
This invasion of Poland has caused me to gain even more respect for Hitler than I already had. Hitler is a powerful, aggressive man, so I knew this was coming. His plan was to annex many lands, so I concluded that Poland would be one. This invasion pleases me in the sense of further success. It was a great, progressing idea and action for Germany. This was an opportunity exposed to Germany, so obviously, they had to take it. I would have if I had this chance. Since this was a pre-war invasion, it helped Germans to see what worked well and what didn't, so they can be prepared for the actual war. If you had the chance to expand your territory and conquer new lands wouldn't you? What Germany did reminds me of what I did with China. Since I was in an alliance with Nazi Germany, I do and still support everything that they do.
Neville Chamberlain (Rachel Latham)
I believe that simply discussing the invasion of Poland is no longer effective. Action must be taken now, or we will see more countries being invaded by the Nazis. We, as the country of the United Kingdom have tried to avoid an event such as this, but German aggression has risen to an entirely new level. Because of this, the only thing we can do is unite and fight against the German forces. I suggest that other nations begin to take action and ready all available military forces, just as I have done with the Royal Navy, Royal Air Force, and Royal Army. Germany has proven that they no longer value peaceful settlements by violating the ones in place with Poland, sadly, this means that war is inevitable due to the rash decisions of the Nazi party. Luckily, the United Kingdom is ready for any further invasions or threats that may arise from the Germans or any other allies of the Germans. The world must begin to prepare for the mass chaos that will unfold due to the Nazis' decisions.
Franklin Roosevelt (Brian Gemma)
Germany's invasion of Poland is an awful act committed by Hitler and the German people. There was no need for this to take place. All of the people under the rule of Hitler and the Nazi party need our help to escape this horrible leadership. We, as the United States would love to help them, but unfortunately, I am unable to do so. As leader of the United States, I do not want to put my citizens or soldiers in the danger of another World War. We will continue to stay neutral. This does seem harsh, but I must do what is best for my people. Other countries will take a stand and help these poor people. Germany is clearly a country that must be controlled. None of their actions can be justified. The segregation against Jews in their country is awful as well. The people of Poland are going to have a rough time dealing with Hitler and German rule. I do not want my people to even have the risk of facing this punishment. That is why the United States will remain neutral and stay out of this war.
Young Austrian Women(Adam Duvall)
Oh Boy Oh boy, some crazy things going on in Poland by the Germans invading those innocent people really doing nothing at all to trigger this invasion. Hitler is a total wacko by slithering through any country he feels like, who's to say were not next. Who's to say we aren't accepted by the Nazi's and we are treated unfairly because of a dictators' decision? Of course I am just a mere young girl who's opinions don't matter but I just had to put my frustration on paper. The people of Poland need to stay strong and attempt to resist Hitler because his shenanigans need to stop at once and it will take a group of people to accomplish such a task. When a power hungry leader like Hitler starts to make decisions like this invasion, it should be a red flag to all countries in Europe, even their allies.
Franklin Roosevelt (Alyssa Kanis)
The invasion of Poland is beyond unnecessary and completely blows my mind. Knowing the correlations behind being a leading figure, I could not imagine conveying my power with such dismay to force a group of innocents into feeling as if they are being held guilty. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those inhabited by Hitler and the Nazis as I am unable to help. Helping would mean becoming involved in the triggered start of this second coming World War and I shall stick to my original plans of staying neutral. As shallow as that sounds, It has been made clear to me that France and Britain have taken stand in order to declare war, opposing the disgusting of the invasions. I have complete positivity in them as the fight for justice. Speaking of justice, how unjust is it when all of the free Jews and other inferior raced are now being discriminated against and sentenced to death? I ponder days upon days between the mindset behind this whole function, and can simply not conclude as to why this must happen. The people of Poland have no choice but to listen to what they are told, and I am just thankful my people as of now are considered to be free. Hopefully we are not affected by this new World War, and I will try with all of my might to stay out of what could become a deadly experience.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Hideki Tojo (Will Campbell)
I must say Adolf, you are certainly doing something right! The invasion of Poland by Germany, in my opinion, was just the right course of action for Germany to take. After the crippling blows Germany took after their loss in WWI, they were struggling to rebuild. But now, NOW they are strong again! They are showing the world that they are a force to be reckoned with! Not only that, but they are not afraid to take what's rightfully theirs. Britain and France thought they could fragment Germany by using Poland to split it right down the middle. But now, Germany has finally regained its unity as one nation. After this invasion, I can see only good things in Germany's future. There may be a war coming, but Germany is more than capable of defeating Britain and France. Germany is significantly more militarized than the other two nations, which will allow them to win this war and finally take their rightful place among the great powers of the world.
Adolf Hitler (Kenny Shanos)
I am very glad that my army was able to win against Poland. The Polish people had been given a path through Germany to get to the ports. But, this was the end to them having access to the ports. I wanted control and I easily gained control in a short while. Although I see this action as heroic and virtually good, many other countries don't. They see my action as one to start war and they see me as wanting to control Europe. I think that the idea of World War II is a great one. I have the largest and most powerful army along with the best airplanes. I also have a large navy and all of my troops are trained well and ready to fight. I plan to take over as much land as I can in any way possible since I have all of the necessary tools to do so. Since Germany is in an alliance with the Soviet Union, they will not attack us. We plan to split up many conquered territories when the upcoming war comes to a close. I am excited that Germany won against Poland and I hope we keep winning all of our upcoming battles.
Italian Peasant Woman (Eva Lindquist)
Invasion of Poland? Well, that was entirely unexpected...not. I fail to see how the foreign diplomats missed this deception. Appeasement? All they were doing was fanning the flames. Sure, give him what he wants and maybe he'll go away. Right. Germany is allied with my own country! We are getting dragged right back into war! Of course, the leader of my country loves this idea- maybe now Italy will get some of that promised expansion. Obviously I can have no opposition to Il Duce should he go through with this, not that there's much I can do about it. Thank you so much, Germany. We just got out of war, and now you're dragging us right back in.
Benito Mussolini (Eleanor Fulghum)
From the viewpoint of a dictator, the news of the invasion of Poland did not come as a surprise. Realistically, Poland did look rather ideal in terms of territory. I guess you could say that the marching in Poland is something that I would do- but for Italia of course! Poland is an ideal place for Hitler and Stalin to invade, however, the action is very much something that I want myself included in. What shocks me is how Stalin and Hitler chose to gang up on Polish territory without promising Italy anything! Italy has stood by Germany in the past couple of years and I feel that it is absolutely necessary to give Italy just the slightest of power there! In terms of the deceleration of war, this news is even less surprising than the actual invasion. We all knew that war was coming, it was just a matter of time before either Hitler, Stalin, or I made the first dent. What frustrates me is that Italy has been under my own reconstruction for some time now, and if Hitler and Stalin were to crush our sense of Italian pride, I do not know how we can cope. But a little conflict can't hurt too much anyway! My own mass murders barely seem to cause too much disorder... I feel slightly unprepared for war, yet nothing can stop the Italians! My only remaining strategy is to keep our ties with Germany, for Hitler knows what he is doing. I want in on this deal... and I am not too happy that I was the one left out.
Eleanor Roosevelt (Braden Fleming)
Many of you have probably already heard the devastating news. Hitler and the Nazis have invaded Poland. Although invading any country is wrong, the invasion of Poland has triggered the start of another World War. The Nazis should not have taken over Austria and Czechoslovakia, but this action has pulled Great Britain and France into a war as well. This action is not fair of the Germans, they are forcing the citizens of the countries they invade to join them and potentially take away their freedom if they do not. All of the free Jews and other "inferior" races are now being forced to be discriminated against and put in concentration camps or even murdered. The things that occur in these camps are maddening. It is hard to believe any human can do these things to others. Imagine being in their shoes, strange men invading your home and then putting you into terrible, violent camps, or being killed. These people had no choice, but to obey the Nazis because of the power they obtained. At this point, we must do whatever necessary to assist these people in need. However, it will be best for America to avoid war now. We do not want the same results as World War One. Therefore, it is good that Great Britain and France have taken this stand and declared war. We shall hope the results are positive keeping the United States out of the war.
Francisco Franco (Ian Macdonald)
Well my friends. We need to look at the bigger picture and not focus on the small inconveniences! Look at the greater power that the Polish have joined. Is it not for the better of their nation? The goal of a nation should be to obtain the most power possible to ensure economic and militant security, as well as political stability. The greater power you have, the easier it is to obtain these goals. By the Germans invading Poland, they are not only helping Poland, yet helping Germany expand and become greater, which then rebounds the same effect to the Polish people. Do we not want to build stronger, better nations that can benefit the national community on a global scale by providing prosperity and stability for as many people possible? This is what the great Hitler is trying to do. What right do we have to shun his admirable goals of prosperity and well being of the people? Please step back and think about how great it is or would be to live in a nation where the government never suffers from shutdown, economic failure, and other horrible characteristics. The German Empire is trying to achieve this goal. Let us support Hitler and the Germans in what they do, and let nothing stand in their paths of creating great well being. In turn, he will assist you to make a change for the better! Poland is in a great position right now and should have no complaints. From my view, Hitler and the Nazis have made an extremely educated and kindhearted decision to take Poland under their wing.
Hideki Tojo (Romina Garakani)
The day has finally come to the start of the long-awaited World War II. It does not surprise me that Germany invaded Poland. I mean, they did make the Nazi-Soviet Pact a month beforehand. I must say, it was a very smart way to prevent war amongst them and to conquer new lands. So here we are one month later. I'm not complaining at all. I am actually quite delighted. Good for Hitler invading Poland! Do you know why I believe that he will be successful? It's because he is fascist. Us fascist men have sharp minds capable of making quick decisions. Because of this, I, along with other Japanese citizens, admire and respect Hitler very much. I know that the future of my country lays in the hands of the European dictators, including Hitler. Also, I find it quite humorous that Britain and France declared war on Germany, but the United States did not. The United States tends to remain neutral for some time and then join the war like in World War I. I believe that the people of America are very lazy compared to the disciplined workforce in Japan. As I slowly work my way up and rise to power, I plan to enforce my vision for Japan, in which we acquire new land and create a massive empire. The new land is only for us. We are not going to split it with other countries. This may sound greedy, but it is the only way Japan will become more powerful. I've got a couple of attacks for the future up my sleeve. We shall become more powerful than Germany and Hitler. We are going to win this war no matter what.
American Woman Factory Worker (Katharine Yan)
We are now facing yet another world war, which began when Germany invaded Poland on September 1st. Hitler's aggressive actions will only result in the loss of millions of innocent lives. I know that if the U.S. was in the same position as Poland, I would be infuriated that someone would try to invade and take control of our country. This event will plunge Europe into another long-lasting war. Already, Britain and France have declared war on Germany. I don't know if America will follow them, but I do hope that we will at least aid Britain and France by providing them with supplies for their militaries. Who knows? Maybe this will finally pull us out of the depression that we have suffered from for so long. Looking back on the first world war, our economy received great benefits from sending resources to the Allies. Hopefully, history will repeat itself and the economy will finally recover, with those unemployment rates lowering at last. Right now, I am mostly concerned with our own country's problems. But if this upcoming war is what is finally going to end the depression, then I am completely in favor of America helping the side that's fighting against Germany. Anything to end the financial turmoil that people throughout the country are going through is welcome in my opinion. If all goes well, the factory that I work at will soon start manufacturing goods to contribute to the war effort. Overall, I disagree with Germany's actions toward Poland, and hope that the U.S. will aid the Allies, which just might end our economic crisis.
Winston Churchill (Erik Carlson)
I, Winston Churchill, believe that the invasion of Poland is a direct result of Neville Chamberlain's tactic of appeasement. Who is next in Hittlers blitz. The French? The Belgians? Us? Just declaring war is not enough. We must send troops to France and go on the offensive. We can not let this monster grow any more powerful. Hittler has broken his promise and is no longer just uniting German speaking people but attacking sovereign countries.
London Worker Women (Brooke Anderson)
The German's are getting out of control. I think that it is time for them to be stopped. It was fine when it was a few other smaller countries but this time it is too much. They more they control the more that they are going to want to control. The German's are taking too much from other people and it needs to stop. I fear that they are going to want to continue to take over lands, and we could be next. I am afraid that Hitler will be coming to London soon and I think we need to be ready. This should not be the start of another world war. We need to stop them before it's too late. I am very scared for the upcoming events and I worry for what will happen in the near future. I hope that our army can protect us and keep us safe in the upcoming war.
Adolf Hitler (Sarah Schumacher)
What a great success! My army and I are continually advancing throughout the course of the pre-war progressions! What a shame that countries like Great Britain and France continue to keep trying to go against my army and I . However, I have no problem in taking down those all who do not believe in my cause. As you can clearly see through analyzing my past actions, that indeed is no problem at all. I am ecstatic to see how this WWII that has been started plays out. I think Germany will ultimately come out as the victor. We shall see…
Auf Wiedersehen,
Adolf Hitler
Auf Wiedersehen,
Adolf Hitler
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