Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Jewish Refugee (Michael Kowalski)

It frightens me to witness what God is willing to permit. He has abandoned us and worsened the conditions of those who still remain in the death camps. Adding the thousands of poles to each concentration camp only lowers the food supply, forcing the SS to even further starve my people. My only explaniation is that God is giving us a test, a test in our stock in him. We must affirm to no kill in retaliation, we must obey the commandments and follow his will even in the worst of times. By this God will surely be pleased and show mercy, smithing Hitler and abolishing his Nazi party from heaven. They must be banished to the deepest depths of hell, but that is where some of my comrades still "live"...


  1. Joseph Stalin (Zack Johnson)
    You are blinded by your belief in God. Every day Hitler commits more and more atrocities and yet you sit back and you continue to believe. You continue to believe that God will somehow bail you out of this situation, that God is testing you, that God will eventually smite Hitler and his allies. I beg of you to stop believing. Is God worthy of your praise if he does not stop the killing of innocent people. Is making you survive millions of deaths and extreme suffering and torture really a fair test on God's part? NO. God has abandoned you when you most needed him. You will be better served giving up in your faith and acting in the real world. Take a stand. Work for yourself. But do not be blinded by your silly faith in your absent God. If you want to survive that is the only way.

    1. Jewish Refugee
      His will is never ending, only He can see the light at the end of this tunnel, and only He apcan save us. The Lord works in mysterious way yet he shall always provide when most in need. How do you know what is need and at what instantance? Only God does. This is why we must keep the true faith and accept the blows, to which I have noticed you taking part in sir.

  2. Eleanor Roosevelt
    I am so sorry for what you and your fellow Jews are going through. The Allies know that we are in a point in time where we must do something about it to help the ones being segragated against and to stop the German powers from becoming too powerful. Hang in there. This must end and it will end soon.
