Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Parisian Business Owner (Ben Acker)

Oh là là! La fin est sur nous! Fermez vos fenêtres! Cachez vos filles et enfants! Oh dear, look what he has done. Look what he has done against Poland and to the peace of our nations! First extremism, then this! Yes, Germany lost much of its might after its many failures in WWI. But, this was their own doing! They initiated plans of attack and domination on their peace-loving neighbors. Thus, we put them in their place, then safeguarded against future plans they may have had for domination. Apparently, this was not enough! Greed and dominance are all they desire, and it overcomes the sense of logic they may have had. Hitler's actions don't only threaten our sovereignty, as they have corrupted the Soviets too! Our past allies, who once helped us defeat the German initiative nearly 25 years ago. If we can't keep Hitler's power at bay, we may very well be next on the chopping block.

1 comment:

  1. Dwight Eisenhower: I agree with you. What Hitler is doing is outrageous, but the allies are trying their best to stop him. Each time Hitler acquires new territory he harms innocent people and he doesn't seem to care. He is also mass murdering people and it doesn't seem to phase him. There is something truly wrong with this man. As the president of the United States I have pity for these people and are trying to help these people. We have to remain strong. In time we will stop Hitler and people will rejoice. Germany has no right to do what they are doing everything that has happened to them previously to World War II was their own doing. We will stop Hitler, but it can not be done over night.Hitler is a smart man and stopping him won't be easy. We are willing to fight until the end to stop Hitler. I understand your concern for your country but Hitler will fall.
