Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Eleanor Roosevelt (Braden Fleming)

Many of you have probably already heard the devastating news. Hitler and the Nazis have invaded Poland. Although invading any country is wrong, the invasion of Poland has triggered the start of another World War. The Nazis should not have taken over Austria and Czechoslovakia, but this action has pulled Great Britain and France into a war as well. This action is not fair of the Germans, they are forcing the citizens of the countries they invade to join them and potentially take away their freedom if they do not. All of the free Jews and other "inferior" races are now being forced to be discriminated against and put in concentration camps or even murdered. The things that occur in these camps are maddening. It is hard to believe any human can do these things to others. Imagine being in their shoes, strange men invading your home and then putting you into terrible, violent camps, or being killed. These people had no choice, but to obey the Nazis because of the power they obtained. At this point, we must do whatever necessary to assist these people in need. However, it will be best for America to avoid war now. We do not want the same results as World War One. Therefore, it is good that Great Britain and France have taken this stand and declared war. We shall hope the results are positive keeping the United States out of the war.

1 comment:

  1. American woman factory worker:
    What the Nazis are doing is terrible, so isn't that more reason to help defeat them? We cannot just leave it all to Britain and France. Germany is much too militarized, so the U.S. should put in its own effort by supporting the Allies. Just think about all the jobs that will open up when we join the war. It can fix the problems with our economy, as well improve our chances of defeating Germany.
