Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Dwight Eisenhower (Max Moss)

I cannot believe we are letting Hitler have free rule over Europe! This is simply outrageous, we cannot just sit here and watch Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich enslave Europe. This guy is clearly a nutcase. He just storms into all of these countries and takes them over by force. It is a good thing that people are finally starting to realize that Hitler isn't some nonviolent pacifist. We have to come to our senses and recognize that the continuous compromises must stop. Surely Poland is the final straw Americans! Although Germany may have a strong leadership and army, we must come together and rise above his evil. Although Poland has fallen, we can assure that Europe will not if we take action sooner rather than later. The tragedy in Poland is over and we must think ahead for the greater good of the world.


  1. Franklin Roosevelt (Brian Gemma)
    I disagree with you, sir. This is not the last straw for the Americans. We must remain neutral and avoid war. As President of the United States, I do not want to put that many people of my country at risk. Germany is indeed out of their mind, but I must think about what is best for my country. The right time to go to war is not right now. If anything, we want to avoid war at all costs. A second World War could be terrible for our country.

  2. Eleanor Roosevelt
    Although it is very wrong of the Nazis to do this, Franklin is correct. We must remain neutral and see where the war will go with Great Britain and France fighting it for now. It is not right for the Germans to put these people in this position. The Nazis would dread it if they were in the postion that Jews and other segragated people are in so why is it okay for them to do it? The bottom line is, it is not and something must be done.
