Wednesday, May 7, 2014

George Marshall (Kyle Riggs)

I knew it! I knew that the nazies couldn't be trusted. This recent attack on Poland only furthers my belief that war is fast coming. We can not as a united world, continue to appease Germany. We must put our foot down at some point, and when we do there will be a great conflict. This will not be an easy war. Germany showed us that yesterday when they conquered Poland masterfully. Their tactics compliment their armies in a way that we must strive to do if we wish to fight them. Germany has strong leaders and strong weapons. We must prepare for war. We can not allow Germany to surround France, or any other country, as they did to Poland. If they do so, then all is lost. We must plan in a way that will eliminate this possibility. I will begin to think of a plan for war. Until then, be safe and I will speak to you all again when we gain more information.

1 comment:

  1. (Neville Chamberlain)

    Mr. Marshall, while you are thinking, thousands of people are dying. We have to muster all the power we have to defend against Germany! I urge you to side with us and enter the war as soon as possible. France is in terrible danger, along with the rest of Europe.
