Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Eleanor Roosevelt (Chris Wright)

I do not like the fact that Germany has invaded Poland. They are a strong and powerful nation that we are letting get away with too much, especially for being so cruel to jews. The U.S may believe that the Hitler is "reuniting" Germany but this will not be the last place they will invade. Hitler is a powerful and greedy person with no consideration towards other people in Europe especially those he believes are "inferior". I believe we need to stop Hitler and German now before it gets out of hand and tries to take over some of our allies countries. If the Germans had to live like the jews in Europe they might understand how cruel they are being to these people. We need to help Great Britain and France more than giving them supplies. It is the only way we can halt this powerful nation from taking over Europe! Hitler must pay for his actions against the jews and their families!

1 comment:

  1. Adolf Hitler (Kenny Shanos):
    Roosevelt, why do you say that I am getting away with too much? I just wanted Poland and I had the military to control it so I did. I may be a powerful leader of a well-trained military, but I am not greedy towards everyone. I just want the dominate race in Europe to not consist of Jews. Having only one race will help society become stronger because there will only be one view on ideals. I find it funny that you think you should stop me and Germany. Do you really think that your army can compete with my trained elite soldiers and air force? I don't think so. I don't think it's possible for me to pay for my actions because you will not be able to do anything to me. I believe that I am unstoppable and I have the whole of Germany to back me up. So I don't think you should get involved or else you will see the force of Germany at its best.
