Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Andres Naranjo (Benito Mussolini)

As a great and powerful dictator myself, I am flattered to see that Adolf Hitler is following my steps. It is thrilling to me when one creates something and people decide to follow it. When Hitler invaded Poland, it proved that my ways always work and are the best for ones growing community. I believe in a totalitarian state and Hitler is carrying it out excellently in Germany. Hitler should carry his plan to take over Europe! after all it is the survival of the fittest. Conquering Poland was a strategic move for him and I personally would have done the same thing. I hope I can expand my reign as well as he is doing so that Italy can become an empire once again. VIVA ITALIA!!!


  1. Joseph Stalin (Zack Johnson)
    The fatal flaw of a dictator is arrogance. Whether it be not fortifying a stronghold in the belief that it is already impenetrable or not eliminating opposition because you think they can't touch you, the destruction of a leader can almost always be attributed to arrogance. Thus, Mr. Mussolini, beware of your own arrogance. Adolf Hitler is not following your steps. You did not tell him to invade Poland, nor did you provide a guideline for how he should structure his organization or conquer more territory. Adolf Hitler is his own man. While I recognize and agree with you that his work with the destruction of the the corrosive influence of freedom is admirable, I do not flatter myself so much to think that he is copying me. The invasion of Poland has nothing to do with you so you would be best to keep your arrogance out of public sight. Otherwise, it will come back to bite you.

  2. I see your point, but Joseph, it is the survival of the fittest so when I came out with fascism and Hitler followed, it proved that my ways were right and that excellent thinkers and leaders are always right. If you believe that I am arrogant, then so be it but arrogance is a key to my road to success. If I was not arrogant, therefore weak, Do you really believe I would be leading Italia? I don't think so.

  3. I can not comprehend the justification behind being a dictator in which he invades another country knowing war would brew. Hitler and Yourself are driving innocent people of other communities into a unified mess. Imagine your own countries becoming underneath other ideas than you believe. How would that make you feel? Imagine your country not having a say in what you know is right from wrong. How would that make you feel? Imagine having your people day by day wither because the quality of life worsens with each growing second. You are pushing your limits sir, as destructing influence of freedom is wrong. That is why I wish to stay neutral, so my people can live a suitable life as we stay out of this tragic corrupt world, made by you. The fatal flaw of a dictator is arrogance, and I am sure to never uphold that trait.
