Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Charles de Gaulle (Meran Topalian)

Why am I not surprised that Germany has invaded Poland. Hitler and Stalin are just very greedy individuals and no one should be surprised this invasion has happened. All they want is all of Europe. They will take nothing less and this was as expected. They couldn't even deal with the fact that Czechoslovakia was there for grabs and just had to go for it. Why? For one reason, they are a bunch of greedy snobs and secondly they are trying to prove their superiority of a nation to all of the world. Germans invade and Stalin helps. Hitler and Stalin are a dynamic duo when it comes to conquering land and almost nothing will stop them. France as a whole must be ready to defeat Germany and Hitler must be able to accept to the fact that he will lose this fight. France is strong! France shall rise above Germany and be at the top.

1 comment:

  1. Parisian Business Owner (Ben Acker)

    Now you are a man I would put my vote in for! You see France for what it really is: a strong and triumphant nation. People such as Hitler and Stalin threaten our sovereignty, and we shall resist until our last breaths!
