Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Young Austrian Women(Adam Duvall)

Oh Boy Oh boy, some crazy things going on in Poland by the Germans invading those innocent people really doing nothing at all to trigger this invasion.  Hitler is a total wacko by slithering through any country he feels like, who's to say were not next.  Who's to say we aren't accepted by the Nazi's and we are treated unfairly because of a dictators' decision?  Of course I am just a mere young girl who's opinions don't matter but I just had to put my frustration on paper.  The people of Poland need to stay strong and attempt to resist Hitler because his shenanigans need to stop at once and it will take a group of people to accomplish such a task.  When a power hungry leader like Hitler starts to make decisions like this invasion, it should be a red flag to all countries in Europe, even their allies.

1 comment:

  1. Poor young woman, unfortunately the world is not full of red roses and beautiful sunsets with rainbows. The world we live in today relies solely on one statement only; The survival shall be only for the fittest. It is absurd that a nation that has the means and the needs of expanding their borders can't do so. If Hitler has a better army than Poland and he takes over it, than that is that. Countries these days need land to remain powerful and they need to build empires to scare off other nations that could be possible threats. If, as you say Austria is next, it must be because Hitler believes he can do a better job controlling it than the people who are in power in Austria at this time. Trust me young soul, if you you want the best for your nation you must let foreign rulers take over you and make Austria a better Country. What do you think is the main idea behind expansion? For powerful men its becoming more powerful, hahaha. So keep doing what your doing my friend and good luck with your nation… Best of luck, Benito
