Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Joseph Stalin (Zack Johnson)

They say every action has an equal and opposite reaction. When one hits a ball, it rebounds in the opposite direction. When one eats too much junk food, one will gain weight. Yet, still Britain and France cry out against the German invasion of Poland. This invasion is simply the equal and opposite reaction to the corrosive nature of unchecked freedom. For years, Britain and France were paralyzed by choices. They were afraid of pushing any buttons and starting any feuds. For this reason, they were continually taken advantage of. Their policy of appeasement provided a wide open door for the Germans to simply walk through. They allowed Germany to take Sudetenland and Austria. They allowed Hitler to gain such awe inspiring power. They were ridden with fear in a time where action was necessary. In addition, the priority placed on order in the German organization allowed them to improve their military and restore Germany to its former glory. Had Britain and France placed this much priority on order and action, this invasion would never have happened. Some question why the Soviet Union signed the pact with Germany. I reveal to these people how much I enjoy seeing the beautiful order of the German system triumph over the paralysis that accompanies freedom. Long live the alliance!


  1. Hobbes
    The Dictator of Death has spoken truth in this re guard. He justly warns of the danger of individual right. These "gifts" result in the enevitable pain and suffering of many. A prime example of this is an adolestent child. The child will spazzing very ounce of freedoms and liberty that they can derive from their parent, however if sometimes leads to demise. Rights to weapons(kitchen knives), travel (running in streets) speech (cursing) and self choice (poor decisions) all lead to death. This is why I must firmly agree to the correct yet war mongering Sir Joseph Stalin.

  2. Adolf Hitler (Kenny Shanos):
    Yes. Finally someone who agrees with me and my ideas. I took this "unchecked freedom" that you speak of to my advantage to control new territory. This time France and Britain were not ready for the attack to their ally. Now though, they are angry at me for taking Poland. I need your back for what is to come in my reign commander of Germany and the Nazi Party. I need someone who I can count on to help me conquer all of what I want, and you are that person. You have made a great decision Stalin to ally with me and help me out. My military was very strong during the invasion and it proved to other countries to fear me. This is great for us since now we have a strong combined military, no one will be able to attack us. Let's keep the alliance going and see what is next on the list to take over!

  3. You speak the truth Joseph. I'm glad to see that someone sees it my way for once.
