Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Alyssa Kanis (voltaire) liberty, equality, and fraternity

Alyssa Kanis (Voltaire)

During these great times of desperation for needs and  during these great times of lingering for wants of our people, what type of fool would dare turn our systematical revolve into a long term disaster?! Us as citizens under the French rule are born with natural rights such as liberty, equality, and fraternity, not to be churned into something we are not. The new solidified movement of order, security, and efficiency are not too be reckoned or thought of as above our natural rights as people equal under the law, free under the law, and thought of as linked under the law. Yes, governmental organization revolves around order, security, and efficiency, yet the organizational viewpoints of how the ruling power should work and conquer, should not reflect on those being ruled over and  conquered over. Due to this new regime, tyrannical order and operation will be of us, exactly what we have been trying to overcome and avoid! The basic principals to the right of life shall and will not be violated under any circumstances, and if one does intend to put our rights under attack, I shall use my wit and humor underestimating all of those silly choices to please myself with my own laughter, knowing how idiotic these new tactics will turn out to be. I cant wait until I am able to say "I told you so," in defense of my beliefs. Freedom of thought and freedom of speech are the two basic elements to a balanced life and society, and for our simplistic way of carrying on is shut down, order (the basic goal wanting to be achieved) will turn into the complete opposite of its meaning. Chaos. Liberty, equality, and fraternity are the three major elements for a flourished and blossomed society.


  1. Thomas Hobbes:
    There has to be some kind of control in our nation! If there is no order, no security, and no efficiency, what kind of government is that? Freedom of speech and thought only cause more chaos. It needs to be somewhat censored, otherwise we cannot control ourselves!

  2. Thomas Hobbes:
    There has to be some kind of control in our nation! If there is no order, no security, and no efficiency, what kind of government is that? Freedom of speech and thought only cause more chaos. It needs to be somewhat censored, otherwise we cannot control ourselves!

  3. John Locke (Eva Lindquist)
    Voltaire, my friend, I applaud you. Unlike those of a few others I could name, your ideas make sense. Liberty, equality, and fraternity are separate from yet vital to a government, which itself runs mainly on order, security, and efficiency. As natural rights, the set of liberty, equality, and fraternity supersede the other set. By making good use of his natural rights, the inherently benign nature of man will overcome whatever evils society creates.
