Monday, October 7, 2013

Sans-culottes (Angelica Mirandou)

Finally! Those offenders in jail got what they deserved. Let the blood flow of those who disobeyed the law. I'm a hard working citizen. Everyday I go into work get my job done and go home. I don't break the law and for that I don't get punished. It only makes sense that those who have committed political offenses to pay their price with their life. Yes, I do support the radicals and their actions. I haven't participated in any of their actions yet, but I plan to as the radicals gain more power. Some call us a blood thirst mod, but we are not. A lot of blood has been shed, but it was for a cause, a purpose. Those who have committed political crimes shouldn't be able to live on the government's land. By committing a crime towards the governments system they clearly don't want to live under these conditions. We are only protecting ourselves from our enemies. Fire away!


  1. (John Locke) Oh? You are protecting yourselves from your enemies? Tell me, who are your enemies? The nobility, who are trapped themselves in an ancient system? Or the people who strike out against unfair laws? Do you even know what crimes the prisoners you killed committed? Your enemies could be anywhere. Are you willing to kill anyone in your way? I recognize that society has degenerated, but "We are only protecting ourselves from our enemies" is a weak justification. Determine who your enemies are, and perhaps you will find that wanton killing is not the true answer. You are better than that.

  2. Women (Chris Wright)
    Fire away? Are you mad? You are indeed part of a blood thrist mod. We are the ones the government is trying to protect. Do you think that killing the people who supported the revolution will help them? All this power has gone to the government's head and think they are better than the people who trust them to run the government. If we are protesting then there may be something wrong with what they are doing and need to fix. Instead you think "they should just kill the people who don't like what they doing." The reason we kicked out the king was so we weren't controlled which you now think is necessary

  3. Paying the price of life of those who have committed political offense is one of the only ways we must go on with this conformity! Yes, our cause as simple radicals is not one of violence or anger, it is one of chance and remote business ideal. By living under what we so call fantastic condition, is so too be the condition of the turning main goals of our revolution. Today has been a great day and lets aim for more of this wonderful success!
