Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Clemens von Metternich (Kenny Shanos) Order, Security, and Efficiency

I am Clemens von Metternich of Austria and I am in the Congress of Vienna.  I want the to put an end to revolutionary ideas and theories.  The world will be best served with a  Republic, just like France had in 1792 for a short while.  This republic would add order, security, and efficiency to the growing area of Europe.  Power can be held by elected officials that the people choose.  This would give the people a chance to vote in favor of the representative who had ideas that they liked.  I believe that people should not be exposed to information that isn't worthy of them seeing it.  This will keep order and security in Europe so people don't go crazy and start revolting because of what they read or heard.  Efficiency and order to tend to abolish or at least diminish natural rights of the citizen.  This is good for everyone because the people will be innocent and not worry about what is actually going on in their government.  This way, the government can be efficient without riots and revolts trying to stop them.  So, keep the people knowing less, and order, security, and efficiency will be the new best way to govern effectively.


  1. Thomas Hobbes:
    Finally, someone who makes sense! Yes, the most efficient kind of government is one that has order and security! If they did not have these goals, the people would be free to do whatever they want. This could be dangerous to all of us. I agree with your opinions, and I am glad someone that knows how to control a country is in the Congress of Vienna. Keep promoting this, or else we will all be doomed!

  2. Mary Wallstonecraft (Braden Fleming)
    I would figure that a man of congress would understand how to run their government a better way. Even though Order, Security, and Efficiency has proven to work, if your citizens do not want to live there or even want to support the nation then your nation would not be as successful. Nobody wants to pay taxes, but if they loved their country then they would be a lot more supportive of doing so than if they hated their country and were too afraid to live their life to their fullest potential.

  3. I, John Locke(Erik Carlson) completely disagree with you. It is the job of the government to have consent of the people while running a government. Yes, Order and Security have worked before but why give that up for the freedoms that all men are allowed. A republic, is put in place to have order and security but freedom and fraternity are essential rights of life that could very easily be put into place. This is why I have disagreed with the Congress of Vienna putting the kings back the thrown. It makes a dictatorial state with no say from the common people.

  4. Royal Family Member (Ben Acker)
    I don't believe I have had the pleasure of making your acquaintance, but I wish I could hold such an honor! These people believe that throwing freedoms at the lower classes will solve their revolution. One does not simply feed a fire when it is destroying items valuable to himself. Such actions blatantly contradict their proposed ideals. However, they say "ignorance is bliss". To prevent the people from attacking the ones who have, for many years, worked to protect them, order has to be kept in the society.
