Monday, October 7, 2013

Woman (Ryan Teng)

It was terrible! There was blood, people screaming, and dead bodies everywhere. I was so scared. I was with my husband at the Champ de Mars because he had told me that there was something that he had to do there. I didn't know what was going on. Everybody there was talking about a republic and about how the National Assembly wasn't fulfilling the true purpose behind the revolution. I didn't think that that was true, all we wanted was food for our families, and to stop those greedy noblemen from spending like idiots. In the middle of a long speech about republics and the good of France and so on, the National Assembly's army showed up. All of a sudden, people were throwing rocks, shots were being fired into the air, and people broke out into full chaos. It was terrible; punching, pushing, and people fighting. Everybody was rioting.
Until the first one died. And we all saw the sight of blood spilling on the muddy earth.
Then there was another...
And another...
And another...
And another...
It was a bloody massacre.


  1. Woman were treated so cruel during these massacres. The whole country of France was in terror and more than less woman were at high risk. They were as you already know treated awfully and this should never have to happen to anyone. The government must reconsider their ways!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thomas Hobbes(Michael Kowalski)
    My Dears, I feel your pain and I am greatly sorry for your suffering, but there is a rather simple solution. If you were to leave your monarch, granted he could be stronger, with all the power and if he were to take away everyone's rights then all would be calm. There would be order, national peace, and best of all equality. I realize that you may only be a common woman so I implore you to think in both direction to achieve and goal, because after all it is much easier to reach America (from Britain) by going west, but going east will still get you there, just with just a more turbulent journey. Now I bid you good ladies farewell and good evening as I retire for the night.

    1. Oh, sorry my dears, I almost forgot to mention that it would have prevented that tragedy. Forgive me and my almost 400 year old brain, I think the maggots are starting to get to it...

  4. Greedy? You are calling US greedy? What are you Jacobins doing right now? Right, you are the ones destroying France just because of your petite needs. This riot of your people, you disgusting Jacobins don't even deserve to start a riot! You're only wasting your time, because we nobleman and the clergy are the true Frenchmen. And I wonder who started this massacre? It was YOU and your husbands, so don't start blaming it on us, because we're just stuck here in this musty jail hearing everyone whine about this massacre and doing nothing about it.

    1. Member of the royal family (Kyle Sjoberg)
      I agree with you. I was moved into a smaller house that only about 20 rooms! I cant live here anymore. I only am getting 3 meals a day. We are not greedy at all you just need better jobs with your husbands and make more money. All the noblemen made out fine with their lives. Can you not do the same. There is no need to start riots. If you let me back into control I can get this country out of debt.

  5. John Locke (Julian Wu)
    This is the most outrageous thing I have ever seen. What kind of government makes their people starve? The sole purpose of the government was to serve its people, and it is DEFINITELY not doing a great job at that. If these Jacobins need to overthrow this insane government, I say go for it! Make this horrifying government into something that can help every man and woman in France.

    1. Thomas Hobbes (Michael Kowalski)
      Locke, my counter-part, why must you always try to fill the these people with hope. Hope is what caused this whole issue. Taking away the right to think creates a peace that can not be disturbed. If you were to leave the people with their rights to create violence and chaos. Therefore Locke I must say you are wrong once again. And I must implore you to comfort this poor man who was wrongly imprisoned.
