Saturday, October 26, 2013

Olympe de Gouges (Angelica Mirandou)

There is always a cause for revolution and in Haiti's case it was slavery. I support Haiti and their decision to revolt for independence. Every person should have the same rights male or female including slaves. Growing up I never saw people own slaves and looking back on it I don't see why anyone would need salves. I believe that the reason why people do not support their independence is because they are worried what will happen to the triangular trade. Haiti has large sugar plantations and that's how they make a living and trade for what they need. Without the trade Haiti would be lost and would have to ask for help from other countries. By Haiti becoming independent France loses another colony, but France will not lose its trade, the main reason why Haiti was under France's control. Haiti declaring independence from France was a good decision for them because they can still trade, but now they're under their own rule. For France on the other hand they lose a little bit of control in the world around them. Man and women should have equal rights even if those men and women are or were slaves.


  1. (Robespierre) Yes Olympe! I do not believe in some of your points, however Revolution is the only way! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  2. (Jose de San Martin)
    I also agree! Revolution is a great way to solve the issues of slavery that Haiti was dealing with. Another great point that you made was about men and women having equal rights. You have made some very good points that I agree with!
