Monday, October 7, 2013

Imprisoned Nobleman (Julian Wu)

What has this world turned into?! People are dying everywhere and we are all stuck in this disgusting musty jail. Why can't things just go back to the way it was? I wish I could just get out of here. These so-called "Jacobins" are ruining our country. I am a nobleman and I should be treated with respect! Instead, I am treated just like any urban worker, who are nothing but disgusting people. I was born as a nobleman, and I WILL stay one. Noblemen and the Clergy deserve these special privileges. We are what France needs. These poor peasants will do nothing but destroy France. I hope they all die. These people getting shot by the National Guard? Go National Guard! Put these radicals in their right places and let us out of this dump. I am a nobleman and I should be treated as such!


  1. Woman (Ryan Teng)
    You noble dog, you got what you deserved. You rum faced pigs have been dining on the finest of wines and the fattest chickens while we have been on the ground looking for any tiny morsel of food so we can fill our stomachs. You care for no one but yourselves. I spit on you.
    (Sorry for being a jerk Jwu, I don mean most of it.)

  2. Woman (Ryan Teng)
    You noble dog, you got what you deserved. You rum faced pigs have been dining on the finest of wines and the fattest chickens while we have been on the ground looking for any tiny morsel of food so we can fill our stomachs. You care for no one but yourselves. I spit on you.
    (Sorry for being a jerk Jwu, I don mean most of it.)

  3. You DARE bring religion into this? You are only using it as a shield, to protect you and your minute conscience from realizing the atrocities that your kind has committed. It matters not why you were brought into this world, but what you do when you get here. And what have you done? Nothing. Nothing kind, humane, or beneficial to society that is. You bathed in luxury while we thrashed about in a sea of filth. Luckily, we are VERY good swimmers and we have reached shore. So prepare. You HAVE gotten what you deserve, you self-righteous imbecile. And we are just getting started. You say that we have no importance in this world? False. We are important because we are human, we are french, we are united. Together, we hold the power to change everything, to create a new order of equality and justice. You say that you will put us in the guillotine? Guess what? We control the guillotine. And we are prepared to use it to whatever means necessary to ensure the eradication of the tyranny that we suffered under and the implementation of a new order. Long live the Revolution!

  4. Royal Family Member (Ben Acker)
    Where have my closest and fondest subjects gone in the midst of this ridiculous turmoil? These worthless people I knew as my subjects seem to think that locking them all up in prison will solve anything. Where is their decency? As the ruling classes, we have kept France in an era of wealth and prosperity. They quarrel about their taxation and unfair treatment, but they don't think they themselves are the problem?! I am contempt with their departure from our society, where they can take their problems with them and leave us civilized people alone!

  5. A Jacobin (Kyle Riggs)
    You may be an ex-nobleman, but you deserve nothing! You say that you are being treated like a urban worker. Even that is too much for you. You and the rest of your kind starved the poor. You had all the power, and you only used it to benefit yourself. You enjoyed years of luxury and now you must pay the price. The "poor peasants" you speak of will take over as the new rulers. They will spread the wealth of the state throughout the masses. They may not be "born" to rule, as you claim to be, but they will do a much better job than you ever could. I hope you rot in prison for the rest of your short missable life!

  6. Atrocities? What atrocities have WE created? Yes, there are definitely different class standards throughout France, and we ARE the upper class. Deal with it, and stop being a baby. When we were in rule, did thousands of people die? No. However, you and your kind decide to jump into our wealthy and prosperous country and cut it down. Did you not start the war with so many foreign countries? Did you not force King Leopold II and Frederic William II for helping us fight against your so-called "revolution?" You filthy Jacobins are saying it's our fault for ruining France, but it is YOURS! How much more debt is France in now, fighting all these foreign powers who YOU forced into this revolution? You think you know ANYTHING about religion? You're just a plain commoner, with no spark of intelligence. The Clergy are the real religious people. And the luxury we bathed in? We deserve it for making France such a great country. You say that the Jacobins will "spread the wealth." Well let me tell you this. You won't. When you gain the power, you will nothing but seize control and bathe in this luxury. We noblemen at least kept France civilized! You are just murdering anyone. You Jacobins think you know how to rule? I doubt you guys know half the knowledge that the Clergy and us Noblemen know. You're just all poor peasants and should stick that way, because that is who you are. And you can never change your status, as long as we noblemen continue to live in this disgusting and horrid "revolution" of yours. I can rot in this prison for my life, but you and your descendants will rot for eternity.
